

Friday, 11 January 2008


For the love of SciFi/Fantasy & Romance

This blog started out as a personal blog of Cherry. It still is, sort of, among other things. But now, we have evolved into a kind of blog where friends who share the same love of books also blog... Cherry loves to read SciFi/Fantasy/Romance books. Anne likes to read thrillers, crime and true stories. Gwent reads any form of the written word. The intelligent one among us.

Wilma and Jackie are new additions... yeyyy!!! Wilma likes YA and children's books. Jackie likes action adventures and fantasy :)

If you are an author, publisher, agent, marketing personnell and/or whatever you call yourself who does promotion and publicity in the book industry... and want us to read your book, shoot us an email with the title of your book, author, and url address where we can find info regarding the book. Please read the Disclaimer for further info about this blog.

To know more about us, click on our names to go to our profiles:

Please note that not all reviews here are positive, but then we do not expect the entire wide world to agree and have the same tastes as us. It would be an incredibly boring and monotonous world! So have a look and see, especially if it is your genre of books, even though it garnered a low rating with us :)