Monday, 10 August 2009


Over the years, I have waded through tons and tons of bad books. Occasionally I come across really, really good ones and these are the ones which keeps me wading through more books even though most of them are quite bad to read.

These occasional really good books have given me lots of reading pleasure. And I wanted to share this "happy feeling" with everybody. Especially to people I call friends! That is you!

So I thought I would put together the bestest best books I've ever read and put it in a goody bag and give it away! Of course these books are second hand because I've read them already. But they are worth re-reading and re-reading! Absolutely!! Hoping that whoever gets it will also enjoy the book(s) as much as I did and will give you the same happiness as it did to me!

Now, if you have a book which made you happy and you would like to share this happiness to everybody too, then email me about it and I will see if I could obtain a copy of it to put into our goody bag!

Come on people, let's spread happiness!!

The Bestest Best Books Ever! (BBBE)
Here is my list of Bestest Best Books Ever! Feel free to email me your Bestest Best Book and I will try to add it to our list. You probably have already read most, if not all, of the books in this list. In which case, if you win, all I ask is for you to share it to your friend. And hopefully recruit another SF&F / Romance fan to our ranks. The draw will be at the end of August (2009). This will hopefully give us enough time to buy, beg and/or nick the books which are the Bestest Best Books Ever! and put them into our goody bag! And if you win the goody bag? you might just discover a great new read or two in our pile!

Storm Front by J Butcher
Dark Lover by JR Ward
Fantasy Lover by S Kenyon
Weremones by B BeCraft-Woodall
Beyond The Highland Mist by KM Moning
Slave To Sensation by N Singh
Spook's Apprentice by J Delaney

There are more books I've read which belong to this list but it is just not possible to list all of them or we will have 20-pages worth of blog. Full list will be displayed and updated at the CherryD public blog.

If you are interested in becoming a member of our panel to determine which ones should make it to our list of Bestest Best Books Ever! then contact me and tell me about your interest. If you have a book you would want donate into our goody bag, please contact me about it as well.

How To Enter?
You are automatically entered if you are a member of the CherryD Science Fiction / Fantasy / Romance community (

You can increase your chances of winning by gaining additional entry credits. If you gain an additional credit, then that is another piece of rolled paper with your name in it in the hat for you! 1 credit is = 1 rolled paper with your name. Gaining extra entry credits:

  • 1 credit = Blog about the Bestest Best Book Ever! in your blog or website with a link back to CherryD ( Please tell me the URL of the blog or website where you blogged about this contest can be found so that I can find it.
  • 1 credit = Membership with CherryD ning community.
    If you have suggestions about how to gain more entry credits, you can tell me about it at

The Draw
The Draw will be done in the traditional manner where all names to be entered will be written in a piece of paper and rolled and will be placed into a hat. After the hat is shaken to mix them all up, I will pick one out of the lot randomly with eyes closed to eliminate biase. The winner will be announced at CherryD.

The Prize?
The Prize will consist of all the books in the Bestest Best Books Ever! list in a cherrydecena tote bag, plus a few nice things besides:

· Donations accumulated for our goody bag!
· Cymru mug
· cherrydecena T-shirt
· free postcards
· free pens
· a box of chocolates!!!!
"Life is like a box of chocolates..." - by Forest Gump's mother

The official BBBE post is at: and the BBBE list is at:



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