

Saturday, 28 November 2009


My Take On This Movie:
Watched New Moon last weekend and it was a whole lot better than Twilight. Digital cinematography was fantastic and appropriately mixed into the film. The shy Bella act was a bit overdone but I can forgive that. Gave me the impression that Kristin might be beautiful but her acting ability has much to be desired, sort of like, Brooke Shields.

Cherry's Rating: 4 out of 5 cherries

Genre: urban fantasy

About The Story:
New Moon is a movie adaptation of Stephanie Meyer's Twilight novels (Book 2).

The story continues where Twilight left off. In Twilight, Edward Cullen (vampire) and Isabella Swan (human girl) met and fell in love. Ahhh... so where is that third person or guy #2 in the pic fits in? Jacob? That is for you to watch the movie for :)
For Bella Swan, there is one thing more important than life itself: Edward Cullen. But being in love with a vampire is even more dangerous than Bella could ever have imagined. Edward has already rescued Bella from the clutches of one evil vampire, but now, as their daring relationship threatens all that is near and dear to them, they realize their troubles may be just beginning...
Synopsis above was taken from the author's website at on 28/11/09.

ADDENDUM (added: 10/12/09)
There is an interesting rant over Twilight issues over at Teens Read And Write.


  1. I saw it last night too, only I didn't think it was that great.

    It fell kinda flat for me... enough so, I did my nails while I watched.

  2. Hi Cherry!

    To do monochrome photos, just use a black and white setting or filter. You can also use

  3. Hey Cherry! Of course... I have to say that I loved it! Edward is my boyfriend, lol! It was a great movie. I am sorry for those that are not liking... For that I say, it is a movie... a form of entertainment. I can not wait for Eclipse!!!
    Hope you are having a great weekend!

  4. I haven't seen it or read the books. :) I am so terribly behind!

  5. Saw the movie today, I thought it was well done and stuck to the book pretty well. I think I liked it more than Twilight but I couldn't really say why.

  6. LOL
    Sorta like Brooke!
    Love it. You're too funny!


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