

Sunday, 7 March 2010


Do you think we are having a bit of a purple love lately with the book cover art department?

Is it becoming a 2010 thing? Is this an emerging trend?
What do you think?


  1. You know, I was just thinking of how may purple cover books that I wanted to read. But the top most on my list is The Dark Divine and Bleeding Violet. None of these have been released in my country yet hence why I've entered so many contests! You've read many of these purple cover books?

  2. I think there's a possibility that SOMEONE NEW (<-- Please give this a click to meet the boss.) has been hired to head up the book cover art department.

  3. Shy - got both in my TBR pile. They are waiting because I gotta read Matthew Reilly first or the publisher might stop sending me ARCs :)

    SparkleFarkle - nice pic of Mr. Purple!! And you might just be right!

  4. I had just started to notice that myself. Luckily, I like purple. I may have to start arranging my TBR in color families.

  5. hmm what's with the one armed woman trend too?

  6. Kathy Martin - arranging your TBR pile according to color schemes? Hey!! There's an idea!! A color-coded TBR pile! :) *I wish*

    Hagelrat - Nice spotting Hagelrat! I didn't even notice that until you pointed it out!

  7. Purple is my favorite color and these are just... sigh worthy! Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend

  8. hehe loving it!

    thats pretty clever noticing the trend, but at least they're pretty and make lovely additions to our bookshelves.

    ps did you change your layout again? looks different...loving it anyway :D

  9. Purple is an awesome color so I can't say it is not a good choice. I happen to think I look really good in dark purple lol


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