Book 2 of The Enduring Flame Trilogy
Genre: epic fantasy
About The Phoenix Endangered:
In The Phoenix Endangered, second in The Enduring Flame, Tiercel, a budding High Mage, and Harrier, a reluctant Knight-Mage, develop greater power—and learn of the evils of war when they see the devastation caused by the fanatical armies of the Wild Mage Bisochim.Source: Info in the About The Phoenix Endangered was taken from GoodReads at on 11/12/2011.
The desert tribespeople led by young Shaiara flee Bisochim’s evil, seeking a legendary oasis deep in the desert—a refuge that may hold the key to stopping Bisochim and preserving the Balance between Light and Darkness . . . or that may be the cause of Light’s ultimate downfall.

[image credit: AnimeJanice]
Review:The cover art got it wrong. Tiercel is the blond one and Harrier is the ginger head. However the depiction is bang on and I like the drawing/art... It is pleasing to my fantasy buff eyes!The character development is very good as per usual with this dou author. I still miss Simera!
And usually I hate cliffhangers... but this time around I was prepared! Having known these authors' writing style from the Obsidian Trilogy, I knew it's gonna be like that. I think it's a matter of my getting into the proper "mind set" that I did not get upset when it came to the cliffhanger... and maybe... plus the fact that I continued reading onto Book 3 straight away as soon as I hit the cliffhanger that contributed a lot to my not getting upset. But really, this book has no real beginning with a cliffhanger ending. Shouldn't be read own it's own. A middle chapter of a bigger book (which is the trilogy). I think if read as a stand alone, the reader would get royally confused. I wouldn't even talk about the plot because it started with Book 1 and ended in a cliffhanger so there isn't one really to talk about. But because of the marvellous story telling quality I cannot give it a 1.
Empirical Evaluation:
Story telling quality = 5
Character development = 5
Story itself = 1
Ending = 1
World building = N/A
Cover art = 3
Pace = 4
Overall Rating: 2 out of 5 cherries

Other Books In This Series:

And I really should try one :)