The Infernals (US title)
by John Connolly
Read by Tim Gerard Reynolds
Book 2 of Samuel Johnson series
Genre: middle grade urban fantasy
Format: paperback & audiobook

About Hell's Bells:
Samuel Johnson - with a little help from his dachshund Boswell and a very unlucky demon named Nurd - has sent the demons back to Hell. But the diabolical Mrs Abernathy is not one to take defeat lying down. When she reopens the portal and sucks Samuel and Boswell down into the underworld, she brings an ice-cream van full of dwarfs as well. And two policemen. Can this eccentric gang defeat the forces of Evil? And is there life after Hell for Nurd?Source: Info in the About Hell's Bells was taken from GoodReads at on 06/12/2012.
As with Book 1, this book is also told in a starical tone. Now, I am not much of a fan of satarical books or shows, so this took a lot of getting used to, even though this is already Book 2 in the series. However, I remind myself that this is a middlegrade book therefore requires more patience of the readers than usual, i.e., to suspend disbelief. And because of the satarical style, the story telling quality rating is less than the usual high score that I would usually give to this author. However Tim Gerard Reynolds compensated a lot for that and he made listening to a satarical narration enjoyable! Which I believe is evidence of this narrator's professionalism and talent in making me enjoy a satire! At the end of it, this book wasn't so bad, satire and all. But it's not John Connolly's best work either.
Empirical Evaluation:
Story telling quality = 3.5
Character development = 4.5
Story itself = 4.5
Ending = 4
World building = 4.5
Cover art = 3.5
Pace = N/A (8 hrs and 58 mins listening time)
Plot = 4
Narrator = 5
Overall Rating: 3.5 out of 5 cherries

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