This was corroborated by several thunder gods.
Looks like Thor is not the only one in this world of Atticus... and they're conspiring?? Oh, so now it's not only action that can be found in this series but juicy intrigue as well?!?
About Trapped:
After twelve years of secret training, Atticus O’Sullivan is finally ready to bind his apprentice, Granuaile, to the earth and double the number of Druids in the world. But on the eve of the ritual, the world that thought he was dead abruptly discovers that he’s still alive, and they would much rather he return to the grave.Source: Info in the About Trapped was taken from GoodReads at on 11/05/2013.
Having no other choice, Atticus, his trusted Irish wolfhound, Oberon, and Granuaile travel to the base of Mount Olympus, where the Roman god Bacchus is anxious to take his sworn revenge—but he’ll have to get in line behind an ancient vampire, a band of dark elves, and an old god of mischief, who all seem to have KILL THE DRUID at the top of their to-do lists.

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