

Wednesday, 28 May 2014


WW28 book offering: The Traitor Queen by Trudi Canavan

She explained that the society she belonged to was formed before the Sachakan War, when a group of women were driven to unite by their ill treatment in Sachakan society. The war forced them into the mountains, where they became a new people, rejecting slavery and inequality between men and women.

The birth of a democratic country?...

About The Traitor Queen:
Discover the magic of Trudi Canavan with her brand new novel in the Traitor Spy trilogy...

Events are building to a climax in Sachaka as Lorkin returns from his exile with the Traitor rebels. The Traitor Queen has given Lorkin the huge task of brokering an alliance between his people and the Traitors. Lorkin has also had to become a feared black magician in order to harness the power of an entirely new kind of gemstone magic. This knowledge could transform the Guild of Magicians - or make Lorkin an outcast forever.

The Traitor Spy trilogy, which began with The Ambassador's Mission and The Rogue, is the new series set in the world of the international bestselling Black Magician trilogy.
Source: Info in the About The Traitor Queen was taken from GoodReads at on 07/01/2013.

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