The Book
A Rose In The Desert by Louis Piechota
Genre: fantasy / young adult
About A Rose In The Desert:
Prince Ethyrin is the last true heir to the throne of Arandia. Orphaned as a small child, he has been raised in the court of his uncle, the tyrant and usurper King Artan. Now fourteen, he is still childish, but also brave and noble, and Artan has decided that his nephew must never grow to manhood.Source: Info in the About A Rose In The Desert was taken from GoodReads at on 07/03/2016.
Barely escaping his uncle’s assassins, Ethyrin is forced to flee in exile to Calimshaan, the fabled City of Delights of the Jeddein. There he meets Nuara, a slave taken by the Jeddein and kept as a treasure in the household of one of their lords. She is also brave and strong, but is withering in her captivity. The only dream she has left is to escape and go home, or else to die trying.
Awestruck by her courage, and also needing some place to run to himself, Ethyrin decides to join Nuara in her quest. Together they must escape from Calimshaan and face the long journey to her homeland. To reach it they must cross the vast desert of the south and the wide, empty lands beyond it, where Nuara was taken years before. On their way they will face slavers and strange spirits and the wraiths of a dead civilization. By helping one another, they may reach their destination. But while Nuara’s home lies at the end of their road, Ethyrin will need all of his bravery and a nobility that has nothing to do with his title to make a new home for himself.
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Meet The Author
About Louis Piechota:
Louis Piechota: grew up in Colorado but now live in upstate New York. Currently pay the bills by working as a mechanical engineer, but his dream has always been to become a professional author and support himself by what he write. His main interest in writing is fantasy, and also got a few ideas for science fiction stories that haven't made it onto the page yet. Basically anything that he can't find in the real world is what interests him in writing and in reading.
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