Tarah Woodblade by Trevor H. Cooley
Book 6 of The Bowl Of Souls series
Read by James Foster
Genre: epic fantasy
Format: ebook & audiobook

About Tarah Woodblade:
A Bowl of Souls NovelSource: Info in the About Tarah Woodblade was taken from GoodReads at https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/21422778-tarah-woodblade on 05/03/2017.
The war is over, but there is a void of power that must be filled and no shortage of souls eager to fill it.
Tarah Woodblade was the best guide and tracker in the land, but she ran away from the war. She returns to Dremaldria expecting to be labeled a coward, but finds herself lauded as a hero. It seems a hero is needed too, because someone is hunting rogue horses . . .
My Thoughts:
Here we are introduced to a totally new character (Tarah Woodblade) that this book seemed like a tangent series to The Bowl Of Souls, which of course it can be viewed as such, but it is at the same time a continuation of the old one, which to me is great! So new character and all,... reading this book was kind of anti-climactic after the big war in book 5, Mother Of The Moonrat. However, these books are also sequential so I have to read this book if I want to read the rest of the books in the world of Sir Edge. The other reason I wanted to read this book is that I was hoping to know what happened to Talon but there was no mention of her whatsoever in this book. (Bummer!) Fist however is still my favourite character. Of course by now I am a big fan of Edge's world and quite forgiving of it's many little faults. In fact, I don't see them anymore... faults? what faults?...
Empirical Evaluation:
Story telling quality = 4.5
Character development = 4.5
Story itself = 4
Writing Style = 4
Ending = 4
World building = 4.5
Cover art = 4
Pace = 4
Plot = 3.5
Narration = 5
Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 cherries

Books In The Bowl Of Souls Series:
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Since putting out his first book: Eye of the Moonrat in May of 2012, Trevor H. Cooley has sold over 200,000 copies of his books in ebook and audio formats. |
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James Foster was born in Björk’s house in Iceland and grew up on Easter Island, where his parents were giant stone heads. He has the ability to fire beams of tacos out of his hands and he can turn his legs into tigers. On Sundays, James enjoys reading Family Circus and traveling through time. His favorite color is greenish-transparent and his favorite movie is the one you just watched. James is in charge of uploading the staff bios to the website, and no one has checked over his work. |

oh great review here!! I do love this narrator and its been so long since I have read a epic fantasy!!!! Gotta rethink that.