A television series adaptation of the Shannara books by Terry Brooks
Genre: post-apocalyptic fantasy
Format: dvd box set
About The Shannara Chronicles:
The Shannara Chronicles roughly follows the storylines set out in The Elfstones of Shannara, set in the fictional Four Lands. As the series opens, demons start to return after being banished from this world to a place known as the Forbidding — locked by an ancient tree called the Ellcrys. The series chronicles the journey of Wil, Amberle and Eretria who, with the guidance of the last druid Allanon, must go on a quest to protect the Ellcrys from dying and releasing all the banished demons back into the Four Lands.Source: Info in the About The Shannara Chronicles was taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Shannara_Chronicles on 29/05/2017.
Book Trailer:
My Thoughts:
For some reason I kinda imagined Allanon to be Gandalf-like, not that I'm complaining about Manu Bennett, mind. :)
The main reason I stopped reading the The Sword Of Shannara, four chapters in, is that I got annoyed with the "too stupid to live" (TSTL) element in it. I was kinda hoping that this would get lost in the translation from the book into TV series. That, was wishful thinking... *sigh*... With our heroes/heroines being TSTL, it's a good thing that our villains are such incompetent, eh?! Otherwise the fight of good versus evil is lost. As if that is not enough, Poppy Drayton can't act... *another sigh*... But anyway, the world building is beautiful. The cinematic effects are great and almost flawless. The plot is not bad. And, I really, really like the premise! **says the fantasy geek in me** Hopefully season 2 will see less TSTL and more kick-ass fantasy! By the way, is season 2 really happening??
Empirical Evaluation:
Cinematography = 4.5
Acting = 3.5
Story itself = 4
Ending = 4.5
World building = 5
Plot = 4.5
Overall Rating: 4.5 out of 5 cherries

I haven't read this series yet, but I've heard good things. Although, I think the TSTL element will bother me a lot. It's a shame they didn't fix that in the TV series. Definitely going to check it out sometime, thanks for the review!
ReplyDeleteReally? Ugh! I had such high hopes for this series too after catching a few minutes here and there on air. Thanks for the share anyhow! ^-^