Money For Old Bones by Joe Talon
Book 2 in the Lorne Turner Supernatural Thrillers
Genre: supernatural thriller
Format: ebook / paperback
About Money For Old Bones:
Lorne Turner needs a break, so when he's offered the job of security guard and handyman at an old rectory in the Lyn Valley he takes it.
He thought he'd gain a little space and perspective. A little quiet from the noise in his head, from his demons, from his beast. Sadly, The Rectory doesn't provide the haven he needs.
As the rain falls, waters rise, and old graves move.
The grave of a witch, who cursed the village. The grave of a soldier, who tried to escape the Hanging Judge after the Monmouth Rebellion. The grave of a priest, broken by love and grief.
When the whispering of Exmoor’s dead turns into a scream, Lorne has to act.
The original families of Scob must face their debt.
Lorne, Ella, Willow, and Heather need to find a way to balance the scales before more lives are lost.
Can they survive the haunting misery of the old bones? Can they save each other from the beckoning darkness?
And the rain. Always the rain.
Source: Info in the "About Money For Old Bones" was taken from GoodReads at on 03/07/2022.
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My Thoughts:
Lorne Turner of the Lorne Turner Supernatural Thrillers by Joe Talon is the British version of the American Charlie Parker of the Charlie Parker series by John Connolly.
I googled Stoke Pero church and there is actually such a church in Somerset, England. I've lived in Wales for about a couple of decades now and I didn't know that there was a Monmouth Rebellion in the past! And that is true too! Now, how's that for realism?
Joe Talon is also funny at times. Like, "...heard a car slogging through the mud, revving itself into a cardiac arrest". That made me laugh! I know! I know! It might not be funny to some...
Empirical Evaluation:
Story telling quality = 4.5
Character development = 5
Story itself = 5
Writing Style = 4.5
Ending = 4.5
World building = 5
Cover art = 3.5
Pace = 4
Plot = 3
Character development = 5
Story itself = 5
Writing Style = 4.5
Ending = 4.5
World building = 5
Cover art = 3.5
Pace = 4
Plot = 3
Overall Rating: 4.5 out of 5 cherries

Books In The Lorne Turner Supernatural Thrillers:
Meet The Author
About Joe Talon:
Joe Talon is an author used to walking on the wild and darker side of life. A place where you're never quite certain if the world is full of rainbows or shadows.
Having grown up on Exmoor, Joe has been fascinated by the mysterious and spooky places that dwell in the dark woodlands and quiet combes. Joe has created a world just a little sideways from ours in this new series. It is full of shapes moving on the edge of our vision when they shouldn’t and cold spots in warm places. For Joe, there is always the question, 'what would I do if'?
The creaking door isn't just a draught.
The footfalls not friends but foes.
The scream is not a crying fox it is...
What spare time Joe has is spent with six dogs, lots of walks and exploring the strange worlds just the other side what we think we know to be real.
You can find Joe via or
If you'd like to try Joe's first novella for free then please visit the website and download Forgotten Homeland.

FTC Disclosure:
The ebook and paperback editions of this book were bought with private funds.
No money received for this review.
The ebook and paperback editions of this book were bought with private funds.
No money received for this review.
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