Showing posts with label Book Enthusiast Promotions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Book Enthusiast Promotions. Show all posts

Friday 3 April 2015

LONG LOST FAMILY Cover Reveal & Giveaway

The Book

Long Lost Family by Lore Ree
Genre: Contemporary Fiction

About Long Lost Family:
Lisa Hughston’s life is perfect. With a doting husband, two handsome little boys, and a job she loves as a nurse, she’s done the one thing she always vowed to do: rise above everyone who told her she would amount to nothing more than a high school dropout and drug addict. Just like her mother.

There’s only one problem in her seemingly flawless life … she doesn't know anything about her husband’s past.

Christopher knows the truth about who he is and where he came from wouldn’t just hurt his wife. It would destroy her. He’s done—and vows to continue doing—everything in his power to keep that side of him buried forever. But when Lisa unknowingly befriends his estranged family, she sends their once perfect life into a tailspin.

Will they survive the fallout when she discovers who he really is and the secrets he’s been hiding?
Source: Info in the About Long Lost Family was from the press kit from the publicity team.

Long Lost Family

An Unedited Excerpt

The shuffling near the front door caught her attention, but Lisa didn't turn around. Tensing, she clung to the couch in an almost futile attempt to gather strength for the fight she knew was coming.

"So you're really not letting me see the boys today?"

"You lied," she whispered, her voice thick and hoarse from tears. "Is Christopher even your real name?”

Behind her, her husband cleared his throat but didn't answer. Nothing would dig him out of the hole he'd created, and frankly he was tired of all the fighting.

"It's funny." Lisa shook her head, forcing out a humorless laugh. "After all this time and after everything I've tried ... I still ended up just like my mother. I watched her—year after year, guy after guy losing herself. Changing herself for these losers that weren't worth her spit. I swore I'd never be like that." She snapped her head around to face him. Guarded eyes stared back at her. A hard set jaw unflinching and unwelcoming. She’s caved to that look dozens of times over the years, but today, she refused to back down. "Then you came along. You are the one who wanted a wife, and a family, and a home. You're the one who asked me you marry you. Everything you've ever wanted I've given you. Everything I do, every breath I take revolves around you and the boys. All you’ve ever had to do was tell me the truth. That's all. I've done everything for you and you couldn't do this one thing for me."

"Would you have said yes?" Christopher’s deep voice cut through the moment. "If I'd told you—if you had known What I'd done. Where I'd come from, and who I was. Would we have had all of this?" He gestured around the room. A broken picture frame still lied on the ground. "Would you have married me then? Would you have had my children knowing the blood that would run through their veins? Would you have fought to make a life with me? Tell me now that my past wouldn't have made a difference, and I'll get on my hands and knees and beg for your forgiveness."

"No," Lisa admitted after a long, reflective stretch of silence.

"Then stop demanding an apology we both know you don't deserve."

"An apology I don't deserve?" she repeated in shock. The words echoed in her ears, rattling her brain and shattering every shred of desire she had left to deal with this version of her husband—this stranger that had infiltrated their lives. Six months ago, he would have moved heaven and earth to make up for something asinine like forgetting the milk on his way home from work. Now, after being faced with their very existence being a lie, she wasn't worthy of getting a simple 'I'm sorry.'

"I would say I don't even know who you are anymore, but the truth is I never did, did I?”

Meet The Author

About Lore Ree:
Lore Ree is a daydreaming, contemporary fiction writer.

When she isn't writing you can find her reading sweet romances and binge watching Crime shows.

Born in New York, raised in Florida, and matured in Massachusetts, she considers herself an East Coast baby. At the moment, she resides in Florida with her family.

Her debut novel, RICOCHET, was released in July 2014.

Other Book(s) By Lore Ree:


Tuesday 12 August 2014

ACADIA'S LAW Blog Tour & Giveaway

The Book

Acadia's Law by Tracy Ellen
Genre: Apocalyptic Thriller

About Acadia's Law:
“Acadia’s Law” is the stand alone first book in the “Undying Love” series, an unusual and thrilling love story by Tracy Ellen, the author that brought you “The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod”---

Ask yourself this: How would you survive?

Acadia King is a young widow suddenly faced with answering this question, but in ways she could have never dreamed possible! Dark with despair over the death of her husband two years previous and the heavy burden of running a large farm, Acadia reluctantly agrees with her concerned friends to socialize again in the hopes of finding a little happiness. How could she know that the same night she finally ventures out to a cocktail bar to meet a man for a date an infection that turns people into violent crazies will begin to sweep across the Twin Cities!

The race is on!

For every person that can empathize with losing a special love and the struggle to find a reason to go on, be prepared for a sensual, sexy, and exuberant love story! For every person that has ever wondered what they would do if they had a day to get ready for the end of the world, be prepared for the start of a dark, humorous, action-packed thrill ride!

Acadia’s Law introduces an outrageous heroine struggling to find her feet again, an insanely hot hero doing his best to keep her on her back, and a supporting cast of great characters in the apocalyptic world of Acadia King.
For mature audiences.
Source: Info in the About Acadia's Law was from the press kit from the publicity team.

Buy Link(s):

We hadn’t taken more than a few steps when Rod cursed under his breath and laughed a little sheepishly. I had no idea sheepish man could look so adorable.

“Would you believe in all the excitement I forgot to get my room key from Ray Dean?” Rod turned and caught the closing elevator doors. “I’m sorry, but he checked us in tonight while T-bone and I…”

I slunk after him and waved off his apology. “Hey, no need to explain.” A wet noodle had nothing on me right now. I yawned behind my hand. “We can go back to the bar, no problem.”

Rod pulled me towards him and put an arm around my waist. “Mary, stay here while I run down. There’s a bench over there to wait on.” His glance lowered to my breasts and a finger slowly traced along the curves revealed above the neckline of my dress. “Mmm, your skin is so soft here.” He nuzzled my cheek, murmuring, “While I’m gone, why don’t you think about what it’ll take for me to persuade you to give up second base.”

I laughed. That answered my question whether or not Rod was trying to ditch me after the elevator road test. Now I had to make up my mind. I was no party girl, so I had no clue what the proper protocol was when you picked up a young, gorgeous man in a bar to have sex, but didn’t make it further than the elevator.

If I wanted to leave, did I just shake hands and say, “Thanks for the ride, but I’ll be getting off on floor two now instead of you?”

Meet The Author

About Tracy Ellen:
I absolutely love writing! I was born in Indiana to middle-class parents, the third out of five hellions. Growing up, I often used my supernatural powers to force my family members to listen to me talk and tell stories. When that tough crowd laughed of their own free will, I knew the world would someday, somehow be my stage. I've lived in the Midwest my whole life--in a small town, on a farm, and in the big city. Currently, I live in the suburbs of St Paul, Minnesota with my husband, family, a naughty dog and a wonderfully evil cat. I’m writing full-time and loving life. I really enjoy connecting with readers, too. Comments, posts, emails, and reviews are always truly welcome.Follow my blog, Twitter, and Face Book to be aware of events and giveaways, volunteer opportunities, and new books I’m self-publishing--or just stop by and say Hi! Happy Summer!

Follow The Tour

August 11th

Up All Night Book Addict | Once Upon a Coffin

August 12th

Room with Books | Cherry Mischievous

August 13th

My Life, Loves and Passion | Booklover Sue | Cruising Susan Book Reviews

August 14th

Coffee Talk Writers | Escape Reality with Books

August 15th

The Book Enthusiast | Author Debra Presley

August 18th

Christy Herself | Ashley's Addictive Book Blog


Deal sharing aunt | Undercover Book Reviews

August 20th

The Last Chapter | Author Sandra Love

August 21st

A Pair of Okies | Books A to Z

August 22nd

Books are love | Stephanie’s Book Reports

Arcadias Law Blog Tour Button


Saturday 19 July 2014

TAKEN by Koko Brown Sneak Peek

Taken Sneak Peak

The Book

Taken by Koko Brown
Genre: Erotica, Interracial, Sports, Historical

About Taken:
The playboy...

Khalid Francois Duïs is a man who isn't afraid to take what he wants. And what he wants is Olivia Pierce. As his best friend's sister, she was supposed to be off limits but Olivia quickly becomes a fever in his blood he simply can't shake. He will do whatever it takes to have her with him and underneath him, even it means kidnapping.

The independent woman...

Olivia Pierce vows to never marry, instead choosing to focus on her career. But a clandestine encounter with Khalid’s threatens her resolve. Though her mind says no, her body screams yes! Her only option is to reject the the arrogant industrialist who believes a woman's place is in his bed.

When Olivia rejects Khalid's advances, he takes matters in his own hands and whisks her away to placate his obsession. From the tempestuous passion of their first encounter, across stormy seas, to a beautiful oasis in Africa, Olivia becomes his prisoner and a slave to Khalid’s all-consuming seduction.
Source: Info in the About Taken was from the press kit from the publicity team.

Buy Link(s):


Olivia inhaled a deep, calming breath. She’d marched downstairs to put Khalid Francois Duïs in his place, but her shored-up indignation crumbled the moment she laid eyes on him. So much so, her temper had become self-directed.

She’d expected a man dressed in Eastern garb, sporting a bushy beard and moustache. Not a refined, clean-shaven gentleman in black evening attire with a face that would make most women lose their common sense.

His features were downright exquisite. Sun-kissed skin and inky black hair cropped closely to his head, served to emphasize the lean sculpted planes of his face and full, sensual mouth. And yet, none of these fine attributes compared to his eyes, which were pale green, thickly lashed and absolutely mesmerizing.

Unable to help herself, Olivia’s gaze drifted across the table. To her horror, Khalid was staring right back at her, unabashed, with a smile that bordered on arrogant.

In that instant, Olivia knew she despised him. He was everything she loathed in a man—chauvinistic, narcissistic, and pigheaded. And there would be no changing him. He would never respect her as his equal.

Too bad her body responded to his allure in quite a different manner. With each passing second, her temperature seemed to soar. Heat raced through her veins, causing her cheeks, breasts and the hidden place between her thighs to become enflamed. She was practically burning up, as if overcome with a fever which left her slightly delirious and incapable of resisting him or her suddenly depraved thoughts. He had her so befuddled she fought the impulse to jump from her seat, march around the table, and plant her mouth over his.


Meet The Author

About Koko Brown:
Koko Brown is an USA TODAY Bestselling author and romance junkie who once read over 200 Zebra romance Club novels the summer before her senior year in high school.

Her writing career began at the tender age of nine when she self-published and distributed a newspaper for her fellow classmates. Unfortunately, her grade-school principal Mr. Clark didn't appreciate the competition and put her out of business after one best-selling issue.

Undaunted, Koko continued to write and read everything she could get her hands on. She honed her writing skills as a staff writer on her college's newspaper, writing obituaries for the local newspaper, and even teaching American Literature.

One day, while daydreaming in bed, she came up with the idea for her first erotic manuscript. Taking a hiatus from teaching, she had enough time on her hands to flesh out the story in two short weeks. A month later, she cleaned it up and sent it to Ellora's Cave . By January, she received a revision letter from one of their editors and by March she signed a contract for her vampire erotic novel Charmed.

Koko calls the east coast of Florida home. Even though she's a multipublished author of interracial erotic romance, she has a life. She loves to travel (three continents, 20+ countries and 38 states so far), shop in thrift stores, ride motorcycles, and volunteering.
