When I was driving towards the car park when I arrived at the venue, I could see the line snaking around the building around the block! I was so dismayed that I almost gave up then and there! But luckily I didn't because it was loads of fun! Met the
Borg Queen and let me tell you, she's a whole lot nicer in person than on the screen.

I didn't know that Cardiff has such a huge population of geeks. And the geeks all turned out in droves. There were so many in one place that I was right at home!

The inaugural
Cardiff Comic Con was not as big as other conventions perhaps, but it was still buckets of fun! I think what made it doubly fun are the
cosplayers geeks. Partly because these breed are not shy. And these are not just adult
cosplayers, as you can see from the pictures, it's children and parents
cosplayers. Most conventions I've been to are for adults. I only saw adults anyway. But not in Cardiff! My theory there is that people in South Wales clutch at any excuse to party, young or old. And this particular party sucked the energy out of me that I was exhausted by the time I got home. My feet were killing me! And that was the only down side of this convention!
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