A TV adaptation of the Dresden Files novels by Jim Butcher.
This series never made it to the UK so I had to buy it as DVD. Now, I am a long-time Harry Dresden fan. The key word there is "longtime", meaning, it has been a long time since I've read the books. Yes, yes, that means I'm old... Anyway, as I watched a marathon Harry Dresden, of course I can't help comparing it to the books. Like Susan is brunnette and Murphy is blond in the books, but in the film, it's the other way around. It's irritating. For one, I like Murphy. And I like her blond. That's how I first came to know her. Then all of a sudden this series screws it all up.

The series is actually good. However, if you are a longtime Harry Dresden book fan (with all your preconceptions), you might find this series slightly irritating like I did. I guess it is the unavoidable comaparison between the books and the TV series that happens there. In which case I can see where this series was cut after the first season only despite it's very good combination of 3D animation, human actors, and film effects. Had I seen this series before I'd read the books, I might have enjoyed it a whole lot more. I would give this series a score of 3.5 out of 5.
Overall Rating: 3.5 out of 5 cherries
