Showing posts with label Dean Crawford. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dean Crawford. Show all posts

Wednesday 24 April 2013


WW28 book offering: Covenant by Dean Crawford

Members of the university sounded the alarm after no contact with her for twenty-four hours.

There starts the journey to solving the crime :)

About Covenant:
Book 1 of the Ethan Warner series
IT’S THE BIGGEST DISCOVERY IN HISTORY . . . BUT THERE ARE SOME THINGS MAN WAS NEVER MEANT TO KNOW. When archaeologist Lucy Morgan uncovers a seven-thousand-year-old tomb holding remains alien to our world, she realizes she has stumbled upon something important—something with the potential to rewrite history. But before Lucy can retrieve the remains, she’s abducted.

A former war correspondent in Iraq and Afghanistan, Ethan Warner has seen much action in the line of fire. Now back home in Chicago, he’s hoping to finally pick up the pieces of his broken life and begin to lead a more normal existence. But when called upon by Lucy’s family to help find her, he knows he cannot let them down. Especially since he knows firsthand what it’s like to have a loved one go missing.

Meanwhile, in Washington, D.C., detectives Nicola Lopez and Lucas Tyrell are called to an abandoned building to check out a possible homicide. What at first glance appears to be the bodies of overdose victims in a crack den is instead something more sinister. How is it possible that these emaciated, naked bodies—rotting in the sweltering heat of August—show signs of hypothermia?

Working independently, Ethan and the detectives each discover that a shadowy corporation may have something to do with Lucy’s disappearance and the mysterious bodies. And Ethan soon realizes that it’s not just Lucy’s life that’s at stake but the fate of the world, and he must risk everything to stop those willing to alter the course of history, before it’s too late.

In the tradition of books by Michael Crichton and James Rollins, Covenant combines science, suspense, and ingenious speculation to create an action-packed blockbuster not to be missed.
Source: Info in the About Covenant was taken from GoodReads at on 27/12/2012.

A chance to showcase your favourite!
  • First you grab our Wicked Wednesday pic.
  • Then you grab a book. Turn to page 28. Take the first sentence. And then you post it in your site with a link back to WW28.
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Monday 5 November 2012


Mankind has feared, and been fascinated by, the end of the world ever since he achieved self-awareness. Our mortality is a constant, and even the farthest reaches of our technological achievements have been unable to shield us entirely from the spectre of annihilation. Of all the species that have lived on planet Earth, 99% are extinct. Of all the dozens of species of hominin to have walked the Earth only ourselves, Homo sapiens, remains. Giant asteroid collisions, super-volcanoes and continental magma fields, dramatic climate change: all have routinely scoured the surface of our planet of all but the hardiest forms of life. Everything changes, and does so with alarming regularity.

Yet despite all of these cataclysmic extinction-level events, our demise, should it occur, will most likely be by our own hand. In “Apocalypse”, the threat to mankind is the wielding of time itself through a futuristic but genuinely feasible technology that would, if it became unstable, consume our entire planet in a fearsome blaze of gravitational fury. Our species is the only one in the history of our planet that is able to change our environment to suit ourselves: we are no longer slaves to natural selection. But that power comes with tremendous responsibility and although so far we have avoided a civilisation-wrecking thermonuclear exchange or a lethal planet-wide pandemic, humanity teeters constantly on the knife-edge of brinkmanship. Our future is in the hands of science, and that science is often wielded by powerful men who have no right to it, but possess the funds to acquire it.

It would be wonderful to be able to see into the future, to find out what will become of our race in a hundred or even a thousand years. The temptation to do so would be almost overwhelming, both in terms of curiosity and also philanthropically – if the future is a disaster for humankind, could we change something in the here and now to prevent that...

Apocalypse by Dean Crawford
Genre: urban fantasy | thriller

About Apocalypse:
A private Learjet filled with scientists travels across the ocean toward Miami. As it passes through the Bermuda Triangle, strange effects disturb the instruments and violent weather envelops the aircraft until it plummets out of control and vanishes without trace.

In Miami, Sheriff Kyle Sears arrives at a murder scene. A woman and her daughter have both been shot through the head. But while Sears is still on the scene he receives a phone call from the woman's husband. With uncanny accuracy, he predicts the immediate future just as it unfolds around Sears, before revealing that he, too, will be murdered within 24 hours. The man gives him the name of someone he must contact. Ethan Warner.

As Ethan Warner and his partner Nicola Lopez race to investigate, they are thrown into the centre of a mind-boggling plot to blow a hole in the space-time continuum.
Source: Info in the About Apocalypse was from on 29/10/2012.

Buy Link(s):

About Dean Crawford:
Dean Crawford began writing after his dream of becoming a fighter pilot in the Royal Air Force was curtailed when he failed their stringent sight tests. Fusing his interest in science with a love of fast-paced revelatory thrillers, he soon found a career that he could pursue with as much passion as flying a fighter jet. Now a full-time author, he lives with his partner and daughter in Surrey.
Dean's Link(s):
S&S author page

Book Link(s):
Book page

Publisher Link(s):


Wednesday 24 October 2012


A chance to showcase your favourite!
  • First you grab our Wicked Wednesday pic.
  • Then you grab a book. Turn to page 28. Take the first sentence. And then you post it in your site with a link back to WW28.
  • Come back to Cherry Mischievous - WW28 and give us the url of your post (in a comment at a WW28 post) so that other WW28 readers can find your WW28 offering.

WW28 book offering: Apocalypse by Dean Crawford

"He's under arrest for illegal discharge of firearm," the cop protested.

Wonder who is getting arrested, the good guys or the bad guys...

About Apocalypse:
A private Learjet filled with scientists travels across the ocean toward Miami. As it passes through the Bermuda Triangle, strange effects disturb the instruments and violent weather envelops the aircraft until it plummets out of control and vanishes without trace from air-traffic radars. In Miami, Sheriff Kyle Sears arrives at a murder scene. A woman and her daughter have both been shot through the head. But while Sears is still on the scene he receives a phonecall from the woman's husband. With uncanny accuracy, he predicts the immediate future just as it unfolds around Sears, before revealing that he, too, will be murdered within twenty-four hours. The man gives him the name of someone he must contact. It is Ethan Warner. As Ethan Warner and his partner Nicola Lopez race to investigate, they are thrown into the centre of a mind-boggling plot to blow a hole in the space-time continuum.
Source: Info in the About Apocalypse was taken from GoodReads at on 20/10/2012.