BULLY 4 LOVE: A Rather Odd Love Story by Steven Paul Leiva
Genre: love story
About BULLY 4 LOVE: A Rather Odd Love Story:
"She walked into my classroom ten minutes early on the first day of the Fall 1990 semester at South Pasadena Adult Education. I sat at my desk with my head down, going over notes and a sheet of mandatory announcements.Source: Info in the About BULLY 4 LOVE: A Rather Odd Love Story was from the press kit from the publicity team.
It was not hard to hear the entrance, which came with a slight swish to it. I raised my head to greet my first adult education student.
She stood just in from the door: a person — a woman — a person, unlike any person I had ever seen or, indeed, have ever seen since, for she was radiant. Radiant — a not unusual adjective and often a metaphor — but at that moment, as she stood there, and as I possibly held my breath, the word was an utterly accurate adjective that was just barely a metaphor."
Thus begins a very odd love story.
Adolphus. Lavinia. Eugene. Peggy. Who loves who?
Love rejected. Love ignored. Love found. And pizza.
"Steven Leiva not only promises he delivers. Bravo!" -- Ray Bradbury, Author of "The Laurel & Hardy Love Affair." Off-beat
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Meet The Author
About Steven Paul Leiva:
A refugee from the silly fields of Hollywood where he cavorted with such luminaries as Bugs Bunny and Betty Boop (although the latter was but a brief affair), Steven Paul Leiva has authored nine novels and one novella since 2003. His work has been praised by literary great Ray Bradbury, Oscar-winning film producer Richard Zanuck, NY Times bestselling author and Pulitzer Prize finalist Diane Ackerman, and Star Trek actor John Billingsley, the greatest bookworm in Hollywood. He has received the Scribe Award from the International Association of Media Tie-in Writers. A traveler among several genres, his books include his witty Hollywood thrillers, BLOOD IS PRETTY and HOLLYWOOD IS AN ALL-VOLUNTEER ARMY, his novelization of the indie family film; the Scribe Award-winning 12 DOGS OF CHRISTMAS; his Sci-Fi satire of first-contact told from the point-of-view of the aliens, TRAVELING IN SPACE; his comic look at happy-ever-afters, BY THE SEA; his surreal political fantasia, IMP; his bizarre, possibly audacious, somewhat Sci-Fi novella, MADE ON THE MOON; JOURNEY TO WHERE, a contemporary "scientific romance" written in the tradition of H.G. Wells and Jules Vern; CREATURE FEATURE: A HORRID COMEDY; and his latest, BULLY 4 LOVE, a rather odd love story