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WW28 book offering: Greatshadow by James Maxey
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I could hear the wheels turning in her mind.
Sounds like somebody who knows her well... wonder who?
About Greatshadow:
Greatshadow is the primal dragon of fire, an elemental evil whose malign intelligence spies upon mankind through every candle flame, waiting to devour any careless victim he can claim.Source: Info in the About Greatshadow was taken from GoodReads at http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13418675-greatshadow on 19/07/2012.
The Church of the Book has assembled a team of twelve battle-hardened adventurers to slay the dragon once and for all. But tensions run high between the leaders of the team who view the mission as a holy duty and the super-powered mercenaries who add power to their ranks, who view the mission primarily as a chance to claim Greatshadow's vast treasure trove. If the warriors fail to slay the beast, will they doom mankind to death by fire?