Showing posts with label Jolene's reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jolene's reviews. Show all posts

Monday, 4 April 2011


Sasha's Calling by T.C. Archer

Genre: science fiction erotica

Format: ebook

About Sasha's Calling:
Nothing can stop freelance thief Sasha Smirnov from saving her planet -- except, Dirk, the gorgeous ambassador with polychrome eyes. Is it lust or designer pheromones? He is hot, too hot to resist -- or forget. A single, sizzling kiss burns him into her memory, and her body, but she can't afford to stop for passion, let alone love.

Sasha needs to get as far away from Dirk as possible and take the classified data she stole with her. So she stows away on a ship outward bound, only to discover Dirk's the pilot. Now she can't get away from him, or the system, but he will let her into his bed...
Source: Info in the About Sasha's Calling was taken from the publisher's site at on 30/03/2011.

Sasha Smirnov is on a mission to save her planet and the people on it. Not only is the safety of Magnus 3 important but also the safety and sanity of her father. Working freelance and sneaking on to Centor, where she is stealing important information. Sasha is discovered and a chase ensues which leads Sasha to stumble upon the Warp Generator. This technology will save her planet. To get this information into the right hands (these hands do not include her boss's Orsans enchanced mauling hands) She must escape alive and avoid the Pinkertons who seem to know her every move. Before Sasha can escape Centor, she runs directly into Dirk Roscoepilot and in an attempt to hide from her persuers, she takes the initiative, plasters herself to Dirk in an explosive kiss. Fleeing to the nearest ship and determined to stowaway to safety, Sasha is having complex feelings about that kiss and the reaction she's having to it. What she doesn't expect is to encounter Dirk again, or that the ship she is hiding on is none other than his and he's determined to finish what she started.

I really enjoyed this book. It was fast paced, full of action with a few laugh out loud moments. Really, who wouldn't want some maxi-boob cream?? I'd actually prefer some boob-be-gone, and would love Dirk to rub some of that on me :) I loved the chemistry between Sasha and Dirk. It was an instant, hot attraction and Sasha was sure she was fighting some pheromone Dirk was wearing causing her feelings to go haywire because having such strong feelings for Dirk just seemed impossible. Dirk's character seemed somewhat questionable, I knew he had feelings for Sasha, but his motives were throwing me off. Sasha wasn't sure she could trust him. I knew these two needed to be together and as we gleamed more information about Dirk I was able to let my guard down with him as Sasha was doing the same. Overall, this was a really good read for me, the only thing that maybe bothered me a little, was all the terms. I've only read a few books that have been based in space and I would of loved to have a glossary to refer to, to some of the other planet names, or other species we encountered. It also threw me off at the end when Sasha acknowledged she loved Dirk and told him she loved him but he didn't say it back. I would have like to have heard Dirk say it as well. The story was told through Sasha's point of view and I knew how she was feeling, but I would of liked to have a glimpse into Dirk's feelings. Regardless, I still really enjoyed this and can't wait to see what else T.C. Archer puts out.

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Acknowledgement(s): We would like to thank the sponsor for the review copy received.