Showing posts with label Juli D. Revezzo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Juli D. Revezzo. Show all posts

Sunday, 22 June 2014

CHANGELING'S CROWN Spotlight & Excerpt

The Book

Changeling's Crown by Juli D. Revezzo
Genre: New Adult Paranormal

About Changeling's Crown:
When Ianthe began her career as a faery godmother, she stumbled so badly that Snow White will probably never speak to her again. After a long suspension, she’s finally been given a chance to redeem herself…but everything on this latest assignment is going wrong.

But why?

Worse, she definitely doesn’t need an attractive mortal man distracting her from her duties. Of course, needs and wants are two different things.

Briak has had his eye on Ianthe for a very, very long time, but he’s been waiting for just the right moment to make his move. Despite the fact all hell’s about to break loose on his watch, he can’t resist the opportunity to insert himself into her earthly assignment. Can he convince Ianthe of her true calling and thereby win her heart? Or will his subterfuge ultimately cost him her love?
Source: Info in the About Changeling's Crown was from the press kit from the publicity team.

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Sunlight filtered into the office, tinkling musically as it bounced off a globe standing to the far side of the room. A lone dust mote floated through the air to fall onto the crystalline floorboards and as it hit, Ianthe Hypericum cringed when she heard it clack against the floor, like the tinny clap of an iron breakfast bell. Normally the sound didn’t bother her. Normally she found it lovely.

Not today.

Nervous sweat ran down Ianthe’s back as she awaited her latest assignment. Maybe the Faery Godmother High Council hadn’t changed their decision. Maybe Ms. Siabelle had called her in to revoke her wand for good.

Why wouldn’t she? After all, so many of her recent assignments had ended in disaster. The High Council frowned upon her performance even before Snow White’s daughter had run off with that traveling band of thieves. Ianthe still couldn’t quite figure out how it had happened. She’d spent nearly fourteen hundred years on probation for it.

How it hadn’t driven her crazy enough to join those in the dark side of the groves, she had no idea. It’d been a close call.

Some faery godmother she’d turned out to be! She didn’t want to think what might happen if she blew another assignment. They’d turn her out, maybe send her to the shoemaker’s shop as punishment, and she didn’t want that. Everyone knew the shoemaker’s shop was a dungeon compared to the human world.

What a disgrace for her family, if the council banished her there! They were having a hard enough time, socially, dealing with her failure with the Snow White family.

Banishment would undo them. She had to succeed at this assignment, she just had to!

The door opened and an older woman, wearing a gray Armani suit, stepped through.

Ianthe stood and curtseyed, her lilac taffeta skirt rustling. “Good morning, Ms. Siabelle.”

The old woman pushed her glasses up her pert nose with a thick finger. “Ah, Ianthe. I see you’re on time, for once.” She scuttled around the huge oak desk like an overweight crab.

Ianthe folded her hands in her lap, twisting her fingers as she waited for her boss to settle down.

“I trust all is well.”

“Yes, ma’am,” she said. “The Smith-Weiss affair’s all cleaned up.”

“They’re happy, then?” Ms. Siabelle asked.

Ianthe bit her lip. Hard. No, she wouldn’t say the couple was happy. Not unless the faery godparent council had changed its definition of single parent households. Still, she made her report on her latest assignment. “The couple is—April is…Chuck will be—” She blew out a deep breath. “They’ll get there. Plenty of babies grow up without their fathers. It’s for the best.”

“Is it?”

“April Smith and Charles Weiss weren’t made for each other, no matter how much we wish it.” She frowned at the old faery godmother. “You knew there were problems going into that assignment.”

Ms. Siabelle remained quiet in the face of Ianthe’s accusation. She twitched the platinum chain on her glasses and turned her attention to her computer. “Yes, well, that isn’t the issue today.” Adjusting her glasses to her liking, she turned her head, gaze softening as she peered at Ianthe.

Ianthe could feel a million tiny lightning bolts trying to find their way into her heart. She could barely breathe under the elderly overseer’s gaze and she begged the faery gods to be on her side, just this once.

Ms. Siabelle cleared her throat. Here it came. Ianthe tried not to cringe.

“The Faery Godparent High Council has decided to give you another chance, child.”

She blinked. “Say that again?” Unbelievable!

“I said we’ve decided in your favor.” Ms. Siabelle turned in her chair, and standing, crossed the room to a tall filing cabinet. Batting away a stray sunbeam, she wrapped old fingers around the silver handle gracing the top drawer, tugged it open, and drew a finger in the air above the files. They flipped by themselves, one after another, as if she pulled them. But she held her finger too high. “If the couple can’t make a go of it even after what you’ve done, it’s not your fault.”

“I did try.”

“I told the council so. Ah, here we are.” She stepped back as one file slid free. It spun in the air before her a moment, then Ms. Siabelle reached out and took hold of the thin folder. Ianthe wrung her hands as Ms. Siabelle sat back down and began to read. “Hmm... It says here that you’re to be assigned to a young man.” Her brow rose. “And his soon-to-be ex-wife.”

Ianthe sat up straighter. A divorce? Oh, no. More battles over the children. She found being saddled with the choice of which parent would be best heartbreaking. “Surely you must be mistaken. Isn’t there some forlorn lover I can look after instead?” This guy was probably as ugly as the frog prince, while the wife, well… she’d met some doozies!

“No, the assignment is quite clear. You’re to assist Randall and Mallory Davies.” Ms. Siabelle shut the gleaming folder and folded her hands atop it. “According to their files, it’s a clear case. Randall’s not sure he wants the divorce and Mallory—well, I don’t see why she couldn’t be persuaded to drop the case. Should be a piece of cake, as they say down there.”

She’d said that about Snow White’s daughter, but Ianthe thought better of reminding her. “I’m not sure.”

“Are you saying you don’t want the assignment, my dear? I thought you hoped for a chance to get your wand and title back.” Her nose twitched. “And everything else that goes with it. Coaches and ball gowns and such.”

All of which had gone out of style with the age of classic faery tales. Right now, Ianthe didn’t feel like contradicting her. “I do, ma’am. It’s just that—” “Good. I’ll see the paperwork’s sent through; meanwhile—” She wiggled her finger over the file and it rose from the desktop, floating like a bird into Ianthe’s less than eager hands. “Why don’t you get started?” She shook her head sadly. “Seems Randall and Mallory are in dire need of a happy ending, as you’ll see.”

Ianthe sighed. The pages flipped open before her, and she took in the photographs. Randall, his employees. One stood out: a man with a handsome angular face, tousled brown hair, and deep, coffee-colored eyes.

She leaned forward to study the picture, wondering who he was. Too handsome to ignore, she thought. Was he the reason for the couple’s troubles? She could see that being the case.

Maybe this assignment wasn’t going to be so bad, after all.

She shoved the file into her oversized purse and exited the office to take to the hall, a renewed confidence in her gait. She could do this. Surely, she would finally live down that fiasco of an assignment with Snow White’s daughter. Maybe it would even garner her a promotion. Full Godmotherhood!

Dare she dream?

She was already daydreaming for she plowed right into an oncoming faery.

She blinked at him. Geldon P. Techsmauch.

“I’m sorry, Geldon. I didn’t see you,” she said.

Son of a goblin, how she hated him! She stepped back, hoping to escape him as soon as possible.

“Why don’t you watch where you’re going?” he snarled.

When she stepped around him he planted his right hand against the wall, blocking her escape. “Where do you think you’re rushing off to in such a hurry?” he asked. “You can’t have a princess awaiting you. You’re on probation after all. Or are you late for a class? Beginning wand construction one-oh-one?”

How’m I supposed to go anywhere with you in my way, you horsefly’s butt? What was he doing, besides being a nuisance? “I said I’m sorry.” She tried not to snarl back, but it was hard. She tapped a finger to her lips. “Didn’t I hear you just came back from Desire Island? How’d that go?”

His mud brown eyes narrowed. “You heard wrong. It was Devil’s Island.”

“Ah.” She nodded. “My mistake.”

“Yes, you make many.” He turned on his heel. “So, I see you have more studying to do. Good luck with it, Hypericum. You’ll need it.”

Ianthe’s fists clenched and she wanted to stamp her foot against the citrine floor tiles, but the sound would reverberate through them as if she’d shattered a glass wall and tell the whole kingdom how angry she was. The nerve of Techsmauch! He was such an ass! Why did he constantly make her life a living hell? She didn’t want to run the risk of meeting up with him again tonight. So she turned back the way she’d come. She’d take the sub-elevators down to the Earth level if she had to in order to avoid facing him again.

A wrinkly, gray skinned goblin met her at the elevator and beckoned her inside. It was stuffed full of trolls. Many smelled as if they needed a nice, long bath. No one would ever catch Techsmauch dead in a sub-elevator so it seemed the best way to avoid him.

She sniffed once or twice and wrinkled her nose at the smell. The doors closed and she slowly released her breath. Afraid to inhale, she wondered how long it would take to reach Earth level. Don’t worry. We’ll arrive before you pass out from the trolls’ stench. She hoped.

All she could think about was the shower she’d take once on Earth. She’d have to freshen up if she wanted to get close to her assignment. Troll-stench was known to drive away any and all who came near. That was no way to begin this assignment.

She checked her purse, pulling forth the file Ms. Siabelle had given her. She could swear she’d seen that employee before, but where?

Briak. The name sounded familiar, but she couldn’t place it. Was it possible she had the name incorrect? Maybe the k constituted a typo. The name niggled in a way she didn’t like, but he looked so kind. Had she ever helped him? Or someone in his family?

Maybe I’m mistaken. How many handsome ranch hands were there in Clover Glen, Florida, after all?

Meet The Author

About Juli D. Revezzo:
Juli D. Revezzo is a Florida girl, with a love of fantasy, science fiction, and Arthurian legend, so much so she gained a B.A. in English and American Literature. She loves writing stories with fantastical elements whether it be a full-on fantasy, or a story set in this world-slightly askew. She has been published in short form in Eternal Haunted Summer, Dark Things II: Cat Crimes (a charity anthology for cat related charities), Luna Station Quarterly, Crossing the River, An Anthology in Honor of Sacred Journeys; The Scribing Ibis: An Anthology of Pagan Fiction in Honor of Thoth, and Twisted Dreams Magazine. She’s the author of The Antique Magic series and the Paranormal Romance Harshad Wars series.

Thursday, 26 September 2013


I am Woman hear me… whimper?
Ask any Jane Austen fan and she’ll tell you her favorite character is Darcy. Ask me, I have to just shrug and I don’t care about him as much as say, Mr. Bingley.

Mr. Bingley
[Mr. Bingley Image Credit: LunaNueva01]
Yeah, that’s right, you heard me. I find the whole Darcy-love phenomena leaves me scratching my head. Why? Well, just look at that character-type. It’s all over the darned place! From Austen to…ahem, Fifty Shades of Grey.

If you’ve read contemporary fiction for any amount of time recently, you’ve noticed a …shall we say lack of strong female characters?

Yes, I said it. A complete lack of strong female characters. Why? From women who owe something to the women’s movement — from everything to the ability to break the glass ceiling to now fighting in combat, why are we suddenly swooning over chest thumping Neanderthal men? (Apologies to the Neanderthals among my readers and characters ;)). Theoretically, it’s because of survival instincts, but I read an interesting article while writing this that said Alpha males tended to die out faster than betas. Why is that, I wonder? Could it be that the women in their tribes got tired of being told their only worth was in the kitchen and bedroom?

In these days, to say I don’t get the love of that type of character is an understatement. Where are the male leads who can lead others while saying “Sure honey, you don’t need to cook tonight. No problem. How’s takeout sound”?

So, when I sat down to write my new paranormal romance novel, PASSION’S SACRED DANCE, that’s exactly how my heroine, Stacy, turned out. She runs her own business and wrangles with bankers without a man’s assistance … However her bankers and rivals turn out to be a little different from the norm. So I had to introduce her to the strong, silent-like Aaron Fielding. While he might display some of those so-called Alpha characteristics he is also kind, thoughtful, a peacemaker, and will respectfully bow to a super — well, to say more will give you a spoiler for my book. ;)

Yes, he’s had experience dealing with odd types of foul fiends. He can, and will, lop off a head or two when necessary like a good warrior should. But when it comes to how he and heroine Stacy see one another, it’s eye-to-eye, thank you very much. He may be strong with a sword, but she can think her way out of a paper bag, and when I put them together, their chemistry went off the charts. She need not whimper, and he need not beat his chest. You see, to me, strong heroines and heroes complement each other very well especially when they can agree. Between them, they make for the perfect romance, I think. I hope you’ll give them a look and enjoy their chemistry.
Would you like to read a little bit more about Stacy and Aaron? Okay:

Battling mounting debt, Stacy Macken is determined not to lose her historic art gallery. When Aaron Fielding appears and offers to help, she fights to keep the attraction sizzling between them from clouding her judgment. He may be her savior in disguise -- but can she trust him?

Aaron intrigues her with tales of the Tuatha dé Danann, sworn warriors who protect humanity from the monsters seeking their destruction. If Aaron can prove what he claims, she would give up anything to help -- even the gallery he claims is sacred ground. But with her property set to stage the next epic battle, she needs answers. An old family diary will confirm the ancient legend is true, if only they can find it in time.

If the battle is lost, the enemy will take control of Earth for the next five hundred years. Stacy and Aaron's budding love might only complicate things.

PASSION’S SACRED DANCE can be purchased for Kindle from Amazon and coming soon to other venues. I hope you’ll check it out and enjoy the story I had to tell!

Thanks, Cherry for inviting me here today!

Passion's Sacred Dance by Juli D. Revezzo
Genre: paranormal romance

About Passion's Sacred Dance:
Battling mounting debt, Stacy Macken is determined not to lose her historic art gallery. When Aaron Fielding appears and offers to help, she fights to keep the attraction sizzling between them from clouding her judgment. He may be her savior in disguise--but can she trust him?

Aaron intrigues her with tales of the Tuatha dé Danann, sworn warriors who protect humanity from the monsters seeking their destruction. If Aaron can prove what he claims, she would give up anything to help--even the gallery he claims is sacred ground. But with her property set to stage the next epic battle, she needs answers. An old family diary will confirm the ancient legend is true, if only they can find it in time.

If the battle is lost, the enemy will take control of Earth for the next five hundred years. Stacy and Aaron's budding love might only complicate things.

Might this be something you think your readers would be interested in?
Source: Info in the About Passion's Sacred Dance was taken from the press kit from the publicity team.
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Book Trailer:

About Juli D. Revezzo:
Juli D. Revezzo has long been in love with writing, a love built by devouring everything from the Arthurian legends, to the works of Michael Moorcock, and the classics and has a soft spot for classic the “Goths” of the 19th century. Her short fiction has been published in Dark Things II: Cat Crimes, The Scribing Ibis, Eternal Haunted Summer, Twisted Dreams Magazine and Luna Station Quarterly. She also has an article and book review or two out there. But her heart lies in the storytelling. She is a member of Independent Authors Network and Magic Appreciation Tour. Passion’s Sacred Dance is her first romance novel.

Juli's Link(s):
blog at

Wednesday, 11 September 2013


WW28 book offering: Passion's Sacred Dance by Juli D. Revezzo

“I must say you’re pretty enough to be forgiven just about anything.”
No trouble? Her brain, and her honor, headed south every second he stood across from her. If they lived in the sixteenth century, she’d consider begging her father to make a marriage contract with Aaron Fielding.

Must be pretty hot!!

About Passion's Sacred Dance:
Battling mounting debt, Stacy Macken is determined not to lose her historic art gallery. When Aaron Fielding appears and offers to help, she fights to keep the attraction sizzling between them from clouding her judgment. He may be her savior in disguise--but can she trust him?

Aaron intrigues her with tales of the Tuatha dé Danann, sworn warriors who protect humanity from the monsters seeking their destruction. If Aaron can prove what he claims, she would give up anything to help--even the gallery he claims is sacred ground. But with her property set to stage the next epic battle, she needs answers. An old family diary will confirm the ancient legend is true, if only they can find it in time.

If the battle is lost, the enemy will take control of Earth for the next five hundred years. Stacy and Aaron's budding love might only complicate things.
Source: Info in the About Passion's Sacred Dance was taken from GoodReads at on 10/09/2013.

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