Land of Falling Stars Receives Big NOD from The Book Wenches
Reviewed by: Teagan
Rating: 4.5
The war is coming to an end, and all that Sophia Whitfield has ever known is gone. Her family is all dead, her home is falling apart, all the slaves have left but two. Her childhood friends went off and fought for different sides: Jesse, her betrothed, for the South and Gavin, her savior, for the North. Little does she knows that the Yank she just shot is Gavin, and he holds a secret that he must tell her. Gavin has always loved Sophia, from the time he saved her from drowning and even now with her bullet hole in his chest. When he found out she was betrothed to Jesse from infancy, he had to hold his feelings in check and not let her know of his love. Now Jesse is gone, and though Gavin is a broken man from what has happened in the war, he has come home to tell Sophia the news. Unfortunately, their desire that burns so hot for each other brings them together, and he hasn’t been able to tell her. Conflict upon conflict conspires to keep them apart, but can they find happiness even through it all?
A story that has the ups and downs of a roller coaster and keeps the reader hanging on with bated breath, Land of Falling Stars is captivating. I thrive on conflict in a story, and there is what I would term “superior” conflict here. My heart was contracting with the highs and lows of the emotions in the story. Never a dull moment. Gavin is particularly enticing; he is strong yet compassionate, and I couldn’t get enough of him. Sophia, on the other hand, tends to be childish and annoying at times. Thankfully, her personality is the perfect foil for Gavin’s and works well with the story line. The author has a great knack for weaving words together to bring a vivid picture to the reader’s mind. Ms. Diablo tells a wonderful story. –Teagan
Author’s website: ketaskeep.blogspot.com
Publisher: Ravenous Romance
Release Date: December 2008
ISBN: 978-1-60777-076-3
Length: Novel
Format: Electronic
Genre: Historical
Sensuality Level: 3.5