Showing posts with label Laura Harner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Laura Harner. Show all posts

Saturday, 1 March 2014

HIGHLAND DESTINY by @LauraHarner Blog Tour & Giveaway

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Highland Shift by Laura Harner
Book 1 of the Highland Destiny series
Amazon Top 10 *** #1 Paranormal Romance *** #1 Fantasy Romance The Highland Destiny saga begins with Highland Shift, a tale of betrayal, murder, and magick spanning two continents and hundreds of years. Elena MacFarland wonders what everyone else knows about her new farm that she doesn't, and whether she'll live long enough to find out. Betrayed by her fiancĂ© and the powerful Worthington family, Elena fights back and negotiates a comfortable settlement with one small caveat: she must live in Scotland for two years.  One kidnapping and two attempts on her life later, the darkly arrogant Scot, Faolan MacGailtry declares himself her new protector and moves into her farmhouse. Major problem? He was present at all three incidents. Elena decides to follow the adage to keep her friends close and enemies closer--but which is he?  One by one, Elena uncovers Faolan's darkest secrets: his Druid heritage, his connection to her past, and finally, the deadly curse that is powerful enough to destroy them both.  Notes: This is the first book of the Highland Destiny series and includes multiple paranormal elements, including Druidry, Fae, shapeshifting and magick. Heat level: Slowly builds from extreme sexual tension toward "bring-some-ice-water" hot!

Highland Pull by Laura Harner
Book 2 of the Highland Destiny series
**The best-selling Highland Destiny saga continues in Highland Pull, a tale of betrayal, murder, and magick that spans two continents and hundreds of years. **

Waking up next to a dead woman was a good indication that Dr. Gabhran MacLachlan was in bigger trouble than he'd realized. Recognizing this as another trap set by the dark Druid Master, Gav races from Edinburgh to New Orleans to find Alysone, a mental patient who claims to have awakened in a reality that isn't hers. Her story, so close to his own, may be the necessary key to unlock his Druid memories and prevent him from shifting realities once again.

When Alysone disappears, Detective Miranda Close is less than thrilled to discover her new landlord and would-be lover is the missing woman's doctor. Raised in the magick of New Orleans and already familiar with the darkness coiled within Gav, Randi's belief in the supernatural may be all that saves her life when they are pulled hundreds of years into his past, and only one of them remembers the truth. When realities shift once again, Randi realizes they may be pawns in a much larger game.

Highland Push by Laura Harner
Book 3 of the Highland Destiny series
**The best-selling Highland Destiny saga continues in Highland Pull, a tale of betrayal, murder, and magick that spans two continents and hundreds of years. **

Using the spell of time shifting, Alexander MacLachlan says good-bye to his beloved brother, his brother's wife, and his own darling Alysone--necessary sacrifices for the survival of Druidry. With his family far in the future preparing for battle, Alex must fulfill his destiny: find the Worthington heir, then kill and be killed.

Thrust forward to a time not her own, Alysone and the others discover precious few light Druids remain to offer their protection to Scotia and the world. As the time for the prophesied battle grows nearer, past meets present, and they realize someone besides Alexander is manipulating events. In a race against time, they must discover the lost secrets of Druidry, even as the members of the dark Bresal Etarlam work to destroy all that is light and claim the Druid legacy as their own.

Highland Destiny by Laura Harner
Book 4 of the Highland Destiny series
**The best-selling Highland Destiny saga continues in Highland Pull, a tale of betrayal, murder, and magick that spans two continents and hundreds of years. **

Although Professor Andi Cunningham knows Druidry and magick are real, her dream to recreate a twelfth century Scottish castle is destroyed when the Druid who claimed her heart wards her from the land. Now Andi’s deeply hidden Druid powers have been awakened by her new husband, Liam—Ian’s descendant and the son of the Master of the Bresal Etarlam, who wants her untapped power as his own.

Ian Worthington, the ancient warrior displaced by time, knows sacrifices must be made for the good of the order, including his own heart. However, as prophesies are revealed, he discovers sending Andi away for her protection may prove too costly for them all. When Ian convinces her to return to finish her work on the castle, both sides in the Druid conflict are pleased.

With both Ian and Liam keeping secrets, Andi must uncover the darkest secrets of her Druid heritage and the connection to the past, before the upcoming battle destroys the balance of power forever. All that’s at stake is the fate of the world.

Raised in California, Laura likes it hot, which explains why she ended up in Arizona via such diverse places as Japan, Maine, and Florida, and many more places in between. After retiring from the US Navy, she found a niche working for land management agencies, including the National Park Service and the Bureau of Land Management. Though she has held many jobs around the world, her favorite was working and living in Grand Canyon National Park. Working (and eating) in New Orleans was a close second. You will find many of her books are set against the rich backdrops provided by coastal Louisiana and northern Arizona.

When asked how she started writing, Laura tells of waking on Boxing Day a few years ago, with a woman named Elena MacFarland yammering in her dreams, demanding her story be told. Despite never attempting to write fiction before that morning, Laura ignored all of the holiday visitors and the Highland Destiny series was born. She doesn't believe it was a coincidence that the great grandmother who died when Laura was just a baby was named Elena MacFarland. Destiny does play a hand.

Laura became a full-time writer in 2012, and now she spends her time writing, watching her Arizona Diamondbacks, and working on her very own version of the Willow Springs Ranch in northwestern Arizona.

Laura is a multi-published author of erotic romance, mystery, and urban fantasy and her books can be found at all major online retailers.

    • Two winners will EACH get a $100 Amazon Gift Cards
  • 5 RUNNER UP:
    • Five winners will EACH get a $10 Gift Card from All Romance e-Books