Showing posts with label Melissa Haag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Melissa Haag. Show all posts

Sunday 5 May 2024


Hopeless by Melissa Haag
Book 1 of the Judgement of the Six series
Narrated by Julie McKay
Genre: urban fantasy
Format: ebook & audiobookAudiobook

About Hopeless:
Gabby's brain is like a human fish finder. It comes in handy when she wants to avoid people. Mostly men. They seem to like her a bit too much. It's lonely being different, but she's adapted to it. Really. She just wishes she knew why she is different, though.

In her search for answers, she discovers a hidden community of werewolves. She immerses herself in their culture, learning about their world until she meets Clay. He's unkempt, prone to mood swings, intense without saying a word, and he thinks Gabby is his.

It's going to take every trick she knows to convince Clay to go away, and every bit of willpower not to fall for him when she discovers the man beneath the rough exterior.

Judgement has begun...
Source: Info in the About Hopeless was taken from GoodReads at on 19/08/2019.

My Thoughts:
I first met this author with the Of Fates and Furies series and I liked the way she tells a story. So I thought I'd seek out her other works... Thus this book got bought and read. Like the other series, the books in this one also has multiple cover arts. For this particular book, the cover arts are apropos to the story but not high up in the "grab-me-now-and buy-me" scale.

I like the way Julie McKay reads. She sounds so much like Therese Plummer, another favourite narrator. Kudos to the narration! However, even with the convenience of the audiobook format, I would still say that this book is not a fast "read". I find myself needing breaks from it from time to time. I contribute this to the tstl (too stupid to live) and whiny-ness of the heroine which I find royally annoying! However, the premise of the story is intriguing enough to keep me reading until the next book.

Empirical Evaluation:
Story telling quality = 3.5
Character development = 3.5
Story itself = 3
Writing Style = 3.5
Ending = 4
World building = 4
Cover art = 3.5
Pace = (10 hrs and 55 mins)
Plot = 2
Narration = 4.5

Overall Rating: 3.5 out of 5 cherries

Books In The Judgement of the Six Series:

Meet The Author

About Melissa Haag:
I love to write! Sharing the worlds I've created is beyond amazing . Want to read a book for free? Check out my website at:

Connect with me on:

I also write adult books under the pen name M.J. Haag. Happy reading!

The Narrator

About Julie McKay:
Julie is an Audie-nominated audiobook narrator of nearly 300 audiobooks. Her work has also been favorably reviewed in the industry magazine Audiofile.

FTC Disclosure:
The ebook and audiobook copies of the book were purchased with private funds.
No money received for this review.

Monday 5 June 2023


Fury Focused by Melissa Haag
Book 2 of the Of Fates and Furies series
Genre: urban fantasy / paranormal romance
Format: ebook

About Fury Focused:
Life in Uttira isn't easy for Megan. Knowing what she is hasn't helped her control her temper, an unfortunate personality trait that might just keep her from graduating. Her mood swings don't bother her as much as the weird side effects that come with them. When things start to go up in flames around her, she knows she needs help controlling her abilities. But, the only person with the answers abandoned Megan in Uttira months ago.

Megan knows she must find her mother in the real world. However, the only way out of the magical barrier surrounding Uttira is with the mark of Mantirum. A mark she will only receive if she can manage to graduate from Girderon Academy. In order to start her search, Megan needs to learn to control her temper… or die trying.
Source: Info in the About Fury Focused was taken from GoodReads at on 17/08/2019.

My Thoughts:
Book one is all about introducing this world of the Furies, This book is a paranormal romance. And it does not really explain how Megan managed to control her powers. It all seems like a lucky accident. All her efforts seems to be on a a wrong course. That does not make the story endearing to me at all! Plot-wise, there isn't much of a one. Having said that, this book seems to have closed the series already. However, there is still book 3, so that must be the crescendo of this trilogy. After all that whinging, it still has the compelling story telling quality which made this book a very enjoyable read indeed!

This series seems to have multiple cover arts. sometimes they get it right, sometimes it is awesomely horrible! This book hit the middle line. Not too bad.

Empirical Evaluation:
Story telling quality = 4.5
Character development = 4.5
Story itself = 4
Writing Style = 4
Ending = 4
World building = 4.5
Cover art = 4
Pace = 4
Plot = 2

Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 cherries

Books In The Of Fates and Furies Series:

Meet The Author

About Melissa Haag:
I love to write! Sharing the worlds I've created is beyond amazing . Want to read a book for free? Check out my website at:

Connect with me on:

I also write adult books under the pen name M.J. Haag. Happy reading!

FTC Disclosure:
This book was purchased with private funds.
No money received for this review.

Sunday 5 February 2023


Fury Frayed by Melissa Haag
Book 1 of the Of Fates and Furies series
Genre: YA | urban fantasy
Format: ebook

About Fury Frayed:
Megan’s temper lands her in Girderon Academy, an exclusive school founded in a town of misfit supernatural creatures. It’s the one place she should be able to fit in, but she can’t. Instead, she itches to punch the smug sheriff in his face, pull the hair from a pack of territorial blondes, and kiss the smile off the shy boy’s face. Unfortunately, she can’t do any of that, either, because humans are dying and all clues point to her.

With Megan’s temper flaring, time to find the real killer and clear her name is running out. As much as she wants to return to her own life, she needs to embrace who and what she is. It’s the only way to find and punish the creature responsible.
Source: Info in the About Fury Frayed was taken from GoodReads at on 17/08/2019.

My Thoughts:
Promising start to a new-to-me series.

This book is all about introducing Megan, our main protagonist, and her burgeoning powers to the world of urban fantasy readers... Angst. Teen rivalry. Love interest... Megan, in all her glory, mistakes and all, has her heart in the right place. So I'm okay with that, even though there isn't much of a plot. There is also the way the story was told, which is really good, that makes this book an enjoyable read!

Empirical Evaluation:
Story telling quality = 4.5
Character development = 4.5
Story itself = 4
Writing Style = 4
Ending = 4
World building = 4.5
Cover art = 4
Pace = 4
Plot = 3

Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 cherries

Books In The Of Fates and Furies Series:

Meet The Author

About Melissa Haag:
I love to write! Sharing the worlds I've created is beyond amazing . Want to read a book for free? Check out my website at:

Connect with me on:

I also write adult books under the pen name M.J. Haag. Happy reading!

FTC Disclosure:
This book was purchased with private funds.
No money received for this review.