Book 1 of Raven doulogy
Genre: high fantasy
Format: paperback
About Raven's Shadow:
Seraph is a Raven mage who left behind her responsibilities for the love of the ex-soldier Tier. But when Tier disappears, Seraph must use her magic and fulfill her ancestors' oath to protect humanity from destruction.Source: Info in the About Raven's Shadow was taken from GoodReads at on 01/11/12.
Raven's Strike by Patricia Briggs
Book 2 of Raven doulogy
Genre: high fantasy
Format: paperback
About Raven's Strike:
Book 2 of Raven doulogy
Genre: high fantasy
Format: paperback
About Raven's Strike:
Source: Info in the About Raven's Strike was taken from GoodReads at on 01/11/12.The Traveler Seraph must use all her cunning and ability as a Raven mage to track down an unimaginable force of destruction known as the Shadowed.
Narrative Evaluation:
I've read this doulogy a long time ago so this is a retrospective review. When I first read these books I fully expected more books to come out in this series and that was several years back now and there isn't any more books in this series released,until I finally accepted the fact that the Raven saga is a doulogy. The reason I expected more books in this series is because in the Raven's Strike the plot pointed to the fact that there was a sinister somebody or somebodies who were collecting souls and this plot line was started but never followed up.
So I was expecting another book along these lines of plot and for the Raven to catch this sinister villain and find her missing family members.I am still hopeful that one day Patricia Briggs is going to write more books in this series and answer some of the questions. Anyway, the fact that I could still write a retrospective review of these books and recall the little details of the story, after all these years, is a testimony of Patricia Briggs' magnificent story telling quality. The story stays with the reader long after one has finished reading the book. The characters remains in your mind like old friends. They become beloved and much missed! Like the black panther in the family. But then again I am such a sucker for big softies! This doulogy is one of the reasons that I am a die-hard Patricia Briggs fan!
Empirical Evaluation:
Story telling quality = 5
Character development = 5
Story itself = 4
Ending = 4.5
World building =
Cover art = 4
Pace = 5
Plot = 4.5
Overall Rating: 4.5 out of 5 cherries