Showing posts with label book tour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label book tour. Show all posts

Monday 10 October 2016


Book Genre: Non-Fiction, Nature, Art, Animals
Publisher: Falling Leave Press
Release Date: August 25, 2016

Book Description:
Nature Inspired: Animal Edition offers you the opportunity to see animals both big and small through the eyes of different artists. With more than sixty works in this full color edition, it is a treasure trove of touching, charming and curious images.

Buy Link(s) (to receive discount)50% off the retail of $25.00 for the run of the tour.

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Wednesday 7 September 2016


The Book

Orphan Dani by Simon Driscoll
Book 1 in The Dragons’ Bane Chronicles series
Genre: Tween Fantasy Adventure

About Orphan Dani:
Dani is a young orphan girl, living on the streets of a medium-sized border town. Her only friend in the world is a dragon. At fourteen years of age, she should be starting her apprenticeship, but all her schooling has come from a dragon. The same day he promises she can some day become a dragon herself, a Mage finally comes looking for her. But is he there to help her, or control her?
Source: Info in the About Orphan Dani was from the press kit from the publicity team.

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Smooth stones shifted beneath my feet as I limped toward the dragon’s cave. Anger buzzed in my head with no outlet. Two miles of walking on a sprained ankle hadn’t helped my mood, or the injury. In addition to the ankle, which continued to complain with every step, my left eye felt swollen from a recent blow. The blow itself didn’t bother me so much. Instead, I was concerned by why she hit me and how I got away.

Two miles south lay Barrington, a village sandwiched between the kingdom of Puji and the mountains of Goldoon. Almost five thousand people lived in the village, including the families who had taken me in. Every winter for the past six years one family or another had taken me in as a housekeeper or cook, and shared what little food they had with me; rarely enough to truly satisfy me, or them. Eventually they would start to resent having me there. Thus every year, around the start of spring, I would find some reason to leave.

This year, the reason had reached out and grabbed me by the throat, literally. There was no real love for me there, and hadn’t been since my nanny died almost six years ago. Why should they care about a little orphan girl?

The cave before me wasn’t the adventure others might see. I wasn’t here in a vain attempt to gain treasure or impress someone with my bravery. No one else in the village knew there was a dragon nearby. For me, this was my one escape from the cruelty of the world. The only place left where someone showed me kindness instead of hatred and violence.

The last few feet were the trickiest of all and my injured ankle gave out. I scraped my hand on the cliff in a failed attempt to stop my fall.

“Cortiban’s bones!” The curse escaped my lips. Frustration boiled over and I had to close my eyes to contain the anger. Pulling myself up by grabbing the face of the cliff before me, I put all my anger to the task of overcoming the pain. I kept my eyes shut as I limped through the protective magic hiding the mouth of the cave. If someone watched as I entered, they would see me walk through solid rock. A protective spell hid everything inside. Now the magic hid me as well.

Book Trailer:

Books In The Dragons’ Bane Chronicles Series:

Meet The Author

About Simon Driscoll:
Simon Driscoll has published several books, including the Dragons’ Bane Chronicles, and the Warriors & Watchmen series. Writing is his passion, as well as his hobby. He studied creative writing in college to learn the mechanics of written stories. He has been influenced in his writing by great authors such as Sir Isaac Asimov, Terry Brooks, and Orson Scott Card, to name only a few.

Simon has been a student of the scriptures all his life, and feels passionately about helping others understand them better. The most difficult aspect of scriptures to comprehend is prophecy. That is why Simon has combined his passions for writing and the scriptures to create a fictional account of the fulfillment of End Times Prophecies. The first book in the Warrior and Watchmen Series was published in 2015.

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Monday 29 June 2015

WILDFLOWER Book Tour & Giveaway

The Book

Wildflower by Alexandra Forry
Genre: Contemporary Romance

About Wildflower:
In this beautiful and moving story of love, growth, and redemption among the stunning red rocks of Sedona, Arizona, Sydney—a teenaged Army orphan—discovers that love knows no bounds and life has many twists and turns of fate. After she is forced to move in with her late mother’s sister Blanche and Blanche’s abusive alcoholic husband Dean, Sidney finds purpose and friendship in Lexy, the daughter of Max Heller the City’s most prominent widower and business magnate. Unknowingly, the girls’ antics awaken Blanche’s lost and suppressed passions and stirs Max’s long-thwarted drive to build a loving and complete family. What emerges is the wonderfully successful Epicurian Café, the brainchild of Blanche and Sydney actively encouraged by Max and Lexy. The Café quickly becomes a center of the community, the start of a new life for Blanche and Sydney, and a chance for Max and Lexy to discover true love and the meaning of commitment. An emotional roller-coaster with its exciting twists and turns, Wildflower is an exhilarating and satisfying read.
Source: Info in the About Wildflower was from the press kit from the publicity team.

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“Why don’t we open a business? Like a simple sandwich and coffee shop,” Sydney announced with a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

“A sandwich shop?” Blanche asked, looking surprised and a bit taken aback.

“Yeah, why not?”

While Sydney waited for an answer, Blanche just looked at her, dumbfounded “Sydney, I would love to open a sandwich shop, but it takes a lot of money--money that we just don’t have.”

“Oh please, Aunt Blanche! I bet you can get a loan from the bank. It will be exciting!” Sydney pleaded.

“I don’t think that your uncle will approve. Sydney I love your idea, truly do! I was taken aback at first, because it has always been a dream of mine to open a little shop of some kind on Main Street,” Blanche said wistfully. ”It costs a lot of money to open up a business, besides I have an offer for a job in Prescott.”

“Pooh on Uncle Dean, and turn down that job. For me, please? You can ask Annette how to open a business--she will know, since she owns her own business.” Sydney said begging her aunt.

“I will think about it, okay, Sydney?” Blanche said making her way to her closet and picking out a dress.

Meet The Author

About Alexandra Forry:
Alexandra Forry has an incredible talent for living vicariously through the colorful and intriguing escapades of her strong female characters and successful leading men. Her first book, “Omerta Affair,” based on the true story of mafia boss Tony Torino and his paramour Evelyn Rosenberg has recently been adapted and re-released as “Timeless Endings”–romance fiction. Her latest book, “Wildflower,” is an adventure in coming of age for both a young orphan and her repressed aunt who is trapped in a destructive marriage. It is a beautiful story of life, hope, growth, and triumph and deals with many of the traumas of youth, such as bullying.

Alexandra Forry is familiar with life’s challenges. She was born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada, where she lives with her loving grandparents. Alexandra has conquered the limitations of Cerebral Palsy to write exciting and engaging novels. She has completed a number of talks and internet book tours and is a member of the Las Vegas Romance Writers and RWA.


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Tuesday 10 March 2015

GUILT Book Tour & Giveaway

The Book

Guilt by Joan Ellis
Genre: Psychological Thriller, Crime

About Guilt:
‘You died in April 1965, a month before your fifth birthday. You were probably dead long before Mum downed her third gin with Porky Rawlings.’

Seven year old Susan is alone with her younger brother when he dies of an overdose. The guilt informs the rest of her life. When it threatens to destroy not only her but her relationship with her baby, she must revisit her past to discover the truth. The outcome is as wonderful as it is horrific.
Source: Info in the About Guilt was from the press kit from the publicity team.

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‘Don’t, Mark,’ I said as you grabbed Mum’s bottle of ‘sweets’, but you weren’t used to doing as you were told. She let you do whatever you wanted. Besides, you were too busy to listen to me. When you couldn’t unscrew the lid, you wrapped a tea-towel round it just like you had seen her do countless times before. I’ll never forget the look of triumph on your face when you finally got the top off.

‘Mum will be angry,’ I warned.

‘Don’t tell. Cross your heart and hope to die,’ you said. You were concentrating hard on removing the cotton wool stopper and tipping the pills into your hand. Too many for you to hold, you dropped some and watched as they skittered across the floor.


‘Ssch! That’s a bad word, Mark.’

‘Daddy says it,’ you replied, showing me your treasure. The sweets looked lemony, like they might taste of sherbet. Where was the harm? After all, Mum took them all the time and she was fine, sort of. Perhaps she said they’d make you ill because she wanted to keep them all for herself. I reached out to take one, my fingertips just brushing the smooth surface.

‘Dare you, Susan.’

‘No,’ I told you, standing back, knowing how cross Mum would be when she found out. ‘I’m not playing.’

I’d like to tell you what happened next but I can’t, Mark. Whatever it was, is hidden, masked by too many memories. It’s the reason I’m talking to you; I need you to help me discover what went on.

As I waited for Dad to come home, the only sound was the ticking of the clock, its black hands unstoppable, moving unstintingly around its hard, miserable face. I will never forget the exact moment he got home. The little hand was on the eight and the big hand just past the nine when I heard his key in the lock. Then I saw his face, which was one enormous gaping mouth when he spotted you on the floor and me curled up next to you, like a dog.

‘Mark’s asleep and he won’t wake up.’

‘What happened?’ he yelled from the hole in his face.

I wanted to tell him, I really did but the words were stuck. I pointed to Mum’s ‘sweets’ scattered across the scratched Linoleum like yellow polka dots. Fists clenched into weapons, eyes wild, Dad stood in the doorway, staring down at you. I had seen him angry many times but never like this. He ran over to you, looked like he was going to kneel down but then walked away. He paced the room, his eyes on you the whole time. I started crying, begging him to do something to wake you up.

‘Shut-up!’ he cried dashing into the hall. I thought he was phoning for help but I didn’t hear him speak to anyone. After what felt like forever, he came back and flung himself down beside you, forcing his fingers into your mouth. When he brought them out they were covered in slime. He wiped the stuff on his trousers, then pinched your tiny nose between his thumb and forefinger and put his mouth over yours, like he was about to give you a kiss. You still didn’t wake up and I watched in horror as he placed his massive hands on you, completely covering your chest, pushing down gently at first but when you didn’t open your eyes, pumping harder and harder, faster and faster.

‘Don’t!’ I screamed running over to try to pull him off you. ‘You’ll hurt him.’

‘He swatted me away and put his ear to your chest. Nothing. Silence. More silence than I had ever heard.

Meet The Author

About Joan Ellis:
Advertising copywriter, comedy writer, performer, lecturer – Joan Ellis has been them all. With a full-time job in a top London advertising agency and a new baby, she did what any right-minded woman would’ve done and set up a comedy club. She even appeared on the same bill as Jo Brand. Once.

A career highlight was casting a black and white moggie as Humphrey Bogart for her award-winning cat food commercial. Other great performers who brought her words to life include Penelope Keith and Harry Enfield.

As a lecturer, Joan taught comedian Noel Fielding all he knows about advertising before encouraging him to showcase his creative talents on a wider stage.

Working for The Press Association, she tutored Wordsworth’s great-grandson in the art of copywriting: Buy a host of golden daffodils and get a blue one, free!

Suffering from swine flu and sweating like a pig, she moved from London to the Isle of Wight where she lives on cream teas with her beloved husband, daughter and two cats.


Win one of five copies of The Killing of Mummy’s Boy (pdf) or a $12 Amazon gift card! Six winners. Open WW. Enter 2/16/15 – 3/16/15.

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Friday 13 February 2015


The Book

Delicate Devastation by Rose Wynters
Book 3 of The Endurers series
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy

About Delicate Devastation:
Who knew the priest could be such a bad boy?

Peter Rynalt is every woman’s sinful dream. The other Endurers might call him a priest, but there’s nothing saintly about his seductive desires. He gets what he wants, but he sticks to one cardinal rule… he never goes back.

Kim Jones hasn’t forgotten Peter since the night she made a play for him. He’s the one man in New Orleans that she can’t have. She doesn’t think she’ll see him again, but one night he rescues her from a demonic attack, and the heat between them can no longer be denied.

Demons are roaming the streets of New Orleans. To survive, Kim will have to remain with Peter, but it comes at a price. She’ll have to pay for her protection with her heart…
Source: Info in the About Delicate Devastation was from the press kit from the publicity team.

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“Why in the hell are you so damn thin? Are you sick, or have you been dieting?” He spat the last word out at her, as she pulled the towel free from her hair to comb through the silky strands.

He suspected it was the latter, and he couldn’t understand why women were so obsessed with it. She was so damned beautiful, exuding a raw sexuality that was making the caveman in him roar to life. Desperately he fought the sensual weave she was unconsciously weaving, but it was a battle he was losing fast.

“You look like death, and you’re way too slender. You’re lucky to still be alive.”

She narrowed her eyes at him, as a look of irritation and something unidentifiable flickered across her face. Her arms crossed across her chest before she briefly looked away, her cheeks pink. When she turned back to him, she was completely in control.

“Get laid much, Peter? If that’s your approach, I’m surprised you aren’t a virgin. My weight isn’t any of your business, so butt out. Besides, men love my body.”

Books In The Endurers Series:

About the Series:
Once upon a time, the world was just a black void. Then one day man came, but he wasn’t alone. He was followed by an ancient evil, a scourge determined to steal his soul. Centuries passed. Humanity did all it could to protect itself against the evil ones, but they weren’t equipped to fight this battle. Instead, all they could do was pray that Hell didn’t set its eyes upon them.

It got to be too much. Something had to be done.

Born out of desperate need, warriors were chosen. Immortality was granted to those strong enough to fight the battle that would never end. No longer mortal, these men have stood in the path of dark and horrifying evil, bearing the load when there was nobody else that could.

It’s all coming to an end. Time has ran out for humanity…

The Author

About Rose Wynters:
I’ve often been asked how I’m inspired to write about werewolves, immortals, and zombies. The answer is easy. I adore them. Be it the Wolf Town Guardians or the Endurers, these characters have been a joy to write about. And why not? What woman wouldn’t love a sexy immortal male or a long-lived werewolf that is destined to have them? Not all of my books contain plus-sized heroines, but many of them do. I believe in true love and true love isn’t based on a size tag. If you agree with this, I think you will enjoy my books.


Win an e-book copy of Delicate Devastation & a $10 Amazon GC (two winners will receive both) on the tour and giveaway! Open worldwide, enter 2/11/15 through 3/11/15 for your chance to win.

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Monday 9 February 2015


The Book

Searching Civilization by Jennifer Ott
Genre: Literary Fiction, Women’s Fiction

About Searching Civilization:
After leaving an abusive relationship, Andy Daniels heads back to Las Vegas to reunite with Earl, the love of her life, only to find him gone. Devastated from losing him, she realizes life holds for her several choices, return to her burnt-out hippie days at Berkley, succumb to society’s expectations and settle down with a suitable companion, or hold onto her faith in love and wait for her lost love to return. Andy chooses the latter.

To her friends, Andy’s clinging to love seems futile and even a little pathetic, yet no one seems to be able to deter her. As the years pass, Andy’s love grows past her love for Earl. She learns to appreciate the love of friendship, coworkers, neighbors and everyone who crosses her path, but mostly she learns to love herself. Her love grows to such epic levels that she simply cannot help become a magnet and attract what she desires most of all—the love she lost so many years ago.
Source: Info in the About Searching Civilization was from the press kit from the publicity team.

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Later, when the sun began to set below the horizon, Earl and Andy rested enjoying their beers and snacks as if watching a movie feature at the drive-in. The sky was much more of a spectacle than anything Hollywood could create.

Out in the desert, the stars were so bright and visible it was as if it was the beginning of time and all was new. Andy noticed a few shooting stars dart across the sky. “What’s the deal with shooting stars?” she asked cuddled against Earl.

“They are stars who have yet to find their home,” he replied and pointed to the sky. “Look, that star found a home as part of Orion’s belt, the other an anchor for the Big Dipper. The stars keep bouncing around the universe until they find a place to call home. It’s like how people roam around until they settle into a comfortable life.”

Andy lifted her head and caressed his face. “Not like you and me, huh? We found our place and that is with each other.”

Earl leaned forward and kissed her nose. “That’s right. We’ve formed our very own constellation.”

“Let me guess. We’re in the shape of a bottle of hot sauce,” Andy said with a laugh.

“You are getting so good at stargazing,” Earl replied.

Andy nestled close to his body. “I am.” Her gaze shifted to the sky and she smiled. “It must be amazing to fly at night, being closer to the stars.”

Earl looked into her eyes. No sight to him was more beautiful, even the stars in the sky couldn’t compete with Andy’s loving gaze. He shifted his gaze upward. “I remember this one night. It was so clear. The stars were so bright illuminating the entire horizon and the ocean was reflecting all the stars. It was hard to tell what was up and what was down. It was like I was flying through space.” He settled down in his seat pulling Andy closer. “Space,” he started, “everyone thinks it’s just up there in the sky, but it is everywhere. We are space itself. We are one with it all.”

Andy rotated in his arms and faced forward staring at the sky. Her mind wandered to the openness of the desert. Darkness surrounded them and the only light was the stars in the sky. She gained serenity with the feeling of complete oneness. Never in her life did she believe she would ever know it.


Meet The Author

About Jennifer Ott:
Inspiration comes from watching way too much Monty Python. The abstract and the absurd way of looking at normal life, not only offers humor, but questions many problems in society in a light-hearted manner. If we can laugh at ourselves, if we can laugh at life, problems do not seem quite so difficult to tackle. In fact, problems are not as complicated as they seem; everything is very simple. If you can laugh at it, write about it and read about it, most likely one would think about it.

Jennifer Ott is an award-winning author. She is the author of several satire fiction Wild Horses, The Tourist and two non-fiction books Love and Handicapping and Ooh Baby Compound Me! She recently published, Serenidipidus, Edge of Civilization, A Soul to Shine and now her new release, Searching Civilization, which is the second part of a character inspired series, “Citizens of Civilization.”

She also is the host of the SuperJenius Show and the Poets First show on Artist First radio Network.

Jennifer Ott lives in Long Beach, California, enjoys the sun, the sand, the surf and lots of Mexican food.

Goodreads Book Giveaway
Searching Civilization
Giveaway ends April 17, 2014. See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter to win


Win a $25 Amazon gift card! Enter 2/9/15 – 2/23/15. Open WW. The Goodreads giveaway will run 2/9 – 2/22/15 and is open to residents of the USA, CA, GB, and AU.

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Tuesday 27 January 2015

RISE Book Tour & Giveaway

The Book

Rise by D.U. Okonkwo
Genre: Mainstream, Literary, Spirituality, Coming of Age

About Rise:
Riana “Ria” Ofor is a gifted sculptress whose beautiful creations could draw crowds. But due to the childhood accident that left her facially scarred, she avoids selling her work publicly, instead scraping a living through online sales. However, when a home repossession notice arrives, both her love of sculpting, as well as her home, suddenly come under threat.

Now she is forced to step out of her comfort zone and enter the very public world of gallery showings. When she does land a gallery contract, she then finds herself the target of a rival artist after the very same contract. Using malicious lies about Ria, he intends to make her regret taking what should have been his. Now, Ria must look to find a truth that conquers all lies.
Source: Info in the About Rise was from the press kit from the publicity team.

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Buy from Google Play

Chapter one.

Ria appreciated the beauty of the headless female sculpture standing before her. A sculpture without its head has its own particular beauty. Strong sculpted legs, intricately crafted torso and powerful shoulders – the beauty of creation.

She squatted in front of the sculpture and ran a slender hand over its flanks. The modeling clay she had chosen had done its job; its durability ensuring the legs of the sculpture came out strong and smooth, the hips gently curved. Seven weeks into the making, this piece would be larger than any piece she had previously sculpted, and certainly more challenging.

Here in her art studio, which spanned the basement of her small house in London’s Island Gardens, clay statues of ancient kings and queens graced the long wooden shelves resting against ivory walls. A small sink sat at the far right end against the wall beside a large white storage cupboard, snug beside a two-seater. A small stereo, which she only turned on when sketching, rested on the table beside it.

Time to begin the head, she decided, as she rose gracefully to her feet. Creating the head was her favorite part. If the legs, shoulders, and torso possessed their own particular beauty, then how she created a sculpture’s head showcased its personality – laughing eyes, a slanted mouth, and a molded chin. These will bring out the figure’s humorous manner.

Ria got to her feet. A slim young woman with close-cropped, tightly-curled black hair; she had a dewy, dark chocolate complexion. And with a delicate oval face, even the faded pink burn scars that ran from the apples of her cheekbones down to her collarbone, her classic beauty couldn’t be marred.

She reached for her apron and tied it around her long-sleeved white t-shirt and soft faded blue jeans. Sculpting was arduous and messy work, but one of the perks of being a full-time sculptress was that she went to work in her most comfortable clothes.

She moved to where the armature waited atop the worktable. Shaped like an egg, an armature’s rigid metal framework ensured effective structuring of a sculpture’s head.

Collecting an armful of old newspapers from the storage cupboard in the corner, she rolled the papers into balls then began to fill the armature with them. Once thoroughly packed, she secured the head in place with a small plastic bag. Now for the clay. She took a moment to relish the solid, yet light weight of it in her hand. Then, detail by detail, piece by piece, she began adding more and more clay to the stuffed plastic bag, melding and smoothing it against the bag’s slippery surface. She hummed as she worked, following the measurements she had set out when the idea had first came into her head. Her deft and skilful fingers, armed with her trusted sculpting chisel, manipulated the clay.

The sharp slap of the letter box upstairs stopped her. She stretched her arms high over her head, working out the stiffness in her shoulders caused by bending over the armature. She crossed to the sink and washed her hands, then proceeded to leave the studio, heading up pink carpeted stairs to the ground floor.

She plucked the white envelope lying on the doormat. Early morning sunlight shone through the glass panel in the front door, and the click of women’s heels sounded on the pavement outside as they carried a neighbour to work. Once the morning rush was over as everyone had either left for work or school, she would go for her daily morning walk and then fuel up with a green juice.

She broke the seal of the envelope and pulled out the letter.

Dear Ms. Ofor,

Account No: 17032007-55GM Property: 55 Garden Mews

Please be informed that payment due on the above-referenced account has not been made. We have made several unsuccessful attempts to contact you. Our records show that your account is in arrears by £11,509.

Please make arrangements to clear the outstanding amount within 28 days, otherwise the case will be escalated to our solicitors, whereupon they may be forced to take legal action resulting in the repossession of the property.

If you have since made arrangements to clear the aforementioned amount, please ignore this letter.

Ria’s stomach dropped somewhere below ground level, and the noose of the repossession notice only tightened further around her neck, almost choking her.

Meet The Author

About D.U. Okonkwo:
D. U. Okonkwo was born and raised in London. An avid reader from childhood, she began writing her own stories at the age of ten. She holds a BSc Hons degree in Business with Spanish, and is currently working on her second novel.


Win a $25 Amazon gift card on the Rise: A Novel – Rejection is a lie… by D.U. Okonkwo book tour! Open WW. Enter 1/26/15 – 2/23/15.

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