I noticed that it seems that my enjoyment of a book sometimes depends on my mood. There was a time when I was a teenager when I read a book and enjoyed it so much. Retrospectively, I could remember laughing every other page! I gave it high recommendations to all my book friends. I could still remember them looking at me strangely. I could not understand why they did not like it. What was there not to like? And I could also remember that was the time when I had like, awards for graduation, I passed the entrance exam and got accepted to the most prominent college in the country, had more than adequate money saved up for the first year in college, etc. In other words, I wasn't only happy... my world was not only rosy... I was on a high! Donkeys years later, I re-read the same book and I found the story telling quality so flat, the story boring and I was soooo surprised!! I could understand now what my friends were saying years ago about the book! Could my mood had affected my reading enjoyment of the book? A "book reading mood phenomenon" (BRMP)? I also noticed that sometimes my mood affects my choice of read... like I am feeling down and I wanted to read a kick-ass urban fantasy to pick me up. Or I'm feeling loved up and I want to read paranormal romance.... Have your mood ever affected your reading?