Showing posts with label event review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label event review. Show all posts

Monday 2 September 2013

Cardiff Comic Con 2013

When I was driving towards the car park when I arrived at the venue, I could see the line snaking around the building around the block! I was so dismayed that I almost gave up then and there! But luckily I didn't because it was loads of fun! Met the Borg Queen and let me tell you, she's a whole lot nicer in person than on the screen. I didn't know that Cardiff has such a huge population of geeks. And the geeks all turned out in droves. There were so many in one place that I was right at home! The inaugural Cardiff Comic Con was not as big as other conventions perhaps, but it was still buckets of fun! I think what made it doubly fun are the cosplayers geeks. Partly because these breed are not shy. And these are not just adult cosplayers, as you can see from the pictures, it's children and parents cosplayers. Most conventions I've been to are for adults. I only saw adults anyway. But not in Cardiff! My theory there is that people in South Wales clutch at any excuse to party, young or old. And this particular party sucked the energy out of me that I was exhausted by the time I got home. My feet were killing me! And that was the only down side of this convention!

Event Link(s):

Monday 11 June 2012

Hay Festival, Wales 2012

Hay Festival
This Hay Festival is slightly different from the 2010 that I attended. For starters this festival is one week long as opposed to the 3-day affair it was back then. And this time around there is a food court plus various many other food booths dotted around the venue as opposed to two years ago where I had to go to town about a couple of miles away to get a can of coke! Though the grounds layout was exactly the same as it was then. But the bestest thing about it is that I got to meet Cassandra Clare, Philippa Gregory and Maggie Stiefvater! Plus I got a signed book from each! OMG!!!! *squee* The organization that I saw two years ago is still evident but maybe because there are so many more people and events and authors and sponsors to manage this time around, it has gotten just a little frayed at the edges now. But it seems that the organizers are good at thinking on their feet and compensating, plus I think they have enough manpower to pull off a last minute ditch that they needed to do to cope. The result, as far as I can see, was organized chaos and good fun!! Fun for us festival goers and a big, nasty ulcer that bores through the layers of the stomach of the organizers (I imagine). And loads of enterprising locals.

The festival ran the usual gauntlet of author talks and panel presentations. A detailed schedule is in the thick programme you can buy for a pound at the entrance. Plus there is a big screen of schedule updates constantly running at the main foyer. The strange thing I noticed though is that, the festival seems to lack the presence of big publishers. I saw Google's banner, but not Penguin, or Simon & Schuster, or Orion. I find it really strange for a book festival not to have book publishers getting involved in it. It was the same two years ago. I don't know whether this is the organizer's choice or the publishers just didn't want the exposure of this particular festival... can anybody fill me in on this? Because this particular quirk of this book festival just dumb-founded me...
Festival Link(s):

Saturday 5 March 2011

World Book Night at Pontypridd Library

What is World Book Night?
On 5th of March 2011, a million books is given away across Britain and Ireland. The promotion will become the focus of a massive media onslaught from the launch in December, culminating in an evening of television programming, all night events, readings, book parties and nationwide celebration of the written word.

I gave away World Book Night copies of Northern Lights by Philip Pullman at Pontypridd Library this evening. There weren't that many people at the library despite it being pre-announced by the Library for days before the event. So I still have plenty of copies left. Maybe I'll stand in a corner tomorrow in a busy street in town and try to give these books away...

The experience had me thinking that it seems like not a lot of people read in South Wales. Maybe that is why the libraries are closing because not a lot of people are using them thus the politicians can use that to justify closing libraries and shifting funding somewhere else. ...And is simply giving away books a way of encouraging people to read? I chose Northern Lights by Philip Pullman because I love that trilogy and would like to share it with the world! but it seems that the world can't be bothered, really...

Thursday 24 February 2011

TV Book Club

I was one of the lucky bloggers who got invited to Channel 4's TV Book Club recording last Tuesday. So I went all the way to London and got to meet other bloggers and see how a TV show is filmed. First off, I would like to thank Richard and Candice of MEC for bringing us to the recording!! They are very organized! Name tags for everyone when we got there, lounge area ready with bottled water, nibbles, goody bags and the perks. I've never been to a show recording before so I was very curious to see what actually happens... well there were tons of cameras, TV screens and technical equipments than people in there, I'm telling you! It's like taking the box out of your telly and seeing all the wires inside. The wires that allows you to watch all the techniclor movies on the screen. Although I didn't understand a smidgen of it, it was very interesting to see. Then we got to meet everybody who worked there, including the presenters, the camera men, the girls who makes the show run smoothly and the Charlottes Angels. Coincidentally, it was also one of the Charlotte's birthday! So we had a sinfully beautiful chocolate cake on top of the usual nibbles. Honestly, Charlotte looked 18, but she assured me that she wasn't!

I also came out of that experience with my belief strongly reinforced that we in the book blogging community are genereally a wonderful lot! I mean, really!! Every single blogger in that event was nice, polite and supportive. Well, I guess there would always be a bad apple in every basket, but as a whole I think we are composed mostly of nice people.

Sunday 13 June 2010


Event: Book signing by Peter Andre at Waterstones, Yeovil (12/06/2010)

I met Pete at one of his book signings for his newly released book, Peter Andre: My World In Pictures and Words. I can't gush enough about how wonderful he is! It was only like, a two second "hi, hello, please sign my copy" thing but he has presence! And he makes you feel like a princess by giving you all his attention in that moment in time. I guess I was kind of expecting a celebrity with an ego bigger than continental europe... but nooooo, Pete was so down to earth! I guess that is one of his charms!! I wasn't really a Peter Andre fan before I queued up for his book signing, but I am now!!

The event was well organized. Waterstones staff going up and down the queue to make sure that people are behaving. Giving reassurances that those at the back of the snaky long queue will still see Pete. And doing what can be done prior to the actual signing, like, attending to people who wanted to buy the book before getting to Pete to get it signed. The Waterstones people were a pro!! Pete's people, on the other hand, were not. There was this girl (Indian-looking, mid-thirties) standing by Pete's right shoulder who keep smirking at girls gushing at Pete. I don't know who she was, or what her role was at the event. But we are fans and we want to enjoy our two-second glory with Pete and willing to pay for it. Smirking will not earn Pete money or sell his book. Which I thought was the whole point of the book signing event. I don't know whether they were trying to play "good cop and bad cop" where Pete gets to be shown off as the "good cop", but, it sure puts Pete's people in a very bad light!

About Peter Andre: My World In Pictures:
Peter Andre is a national icon. Without doubt the sexiest man in pop, there are few red-blooded females who wouldn't welcome the chance to get close to Peter Andre. Since his breakup with Katie Price, his profile has exploded, making him one of the biggest male celebrities in the UK. His easy charm, his self-deprecating humour, his legendary torso and his obvious passion for his children and for his role as father have won him millions of fans. And Peter Andre is here to stay. His Revelation tour, his upcoming TV projects and now this gorgeous and insightful book will further catapult him to stardom. 2010 will cement his reputation as the sexy and extremely loveable heart-throb the nation has taken under its wing.
Source: Info in the About Peter Andre: My World In Pictures was taken from the amazon at on 10/07/2010.

Monday 7 June 2010


Yesterday was the last day of the Hay Festival at the Hay-On-Wye, otherwise known as the book town. The atmosphere at the festival was relaxed and laid back. Graced with a bright sunny day and a cool breeze! That was very lucky indeed!! I loved it!! I saw an eclectic collection of people gathered in one place. There were jazzy geriatrics and frumpy youngsters. That don't apply to all, mind, but enough to be eclectic. And kids runnning around screaming their lungs out without being annoying because they are watched in designated kiddo places only. Very well organized!

I even get to crash the SkyArts' Book Show :) Didn't have tickets but I queued up at the "reserve" line and they let me in! Cool!! Saw Sarah Dunant talk about her latest book, Sacred Heart.

The food though were bloody expensive! Next time, I will bring my own food. Measly salad for £7! Must have gold in it! Speaking of food, this was the first time I ever saw a beer with honey! Or was it beer made of honey?! Honestly, it looked very very nice :) couldn't sample it though 'coz am driving home :( And they were giving out free samplers too! Just my luck! And they didn't have a cash machine which is a downer because not all shops there were accepting cards or if they do, you gotta spend up to a certain amount to be able to use your card. Otherwise it's cash only. So, Hay Festival goers-to-be, bring cash! And of course book signings! Only got one book this time though. Like I said, the place wasn't cheap.

If I have to describe the event in a few words, I'd say it's well organized.

Tuesday 20 April 2010


This was the first time that I have ever attended the London Book Fair. It is a three-day event, but I am not going back for the next two days anymore. I found out that the name London Book Fair is a misnomer. It should be named London Business Fair. This book fair is not for readers, it's for business people. It caters specifically for people who are in the "book profit" business. With emphasis on the "profit" bit. So if you are like me, just a reader, they don't really want you there. In fact some of the stands/booths were distinctly unfriendly. Take for example the Chapter 2000 stand (pic on the right). They didn't even want me to look at their display! WTF! So... did they display their wares so that people will not look at them?! It boggles the mind! Not everybody there are assholes though. Take the IndePENPRESS for example (pic on the top left). I approached their stand and their people greet you with a smile even though they got plenty of other people to play host to. That is a 5 out of 5 people skills. That is what I thought having a booth is for. You invite people to look at your wares and publicize your product. And the gentleman their talked about their company with a passion and like he knows what he is talking about. Gives one the impression that if you do business with them, you would be in capable hands. It gives a customer confidence in the reliability of the company.

The book fair is so big though and I did not have time to go around all of them. There were Australian, American, Russian and middle east publishers there that I never knew existed! And of course the big players were there too. Penguin, Harlequin, etc. So as a reader, there are some things that you could pick up, but rare and few. So if you are a reader, the London Book Fair is not for you. If you are an author or a publisher, you might want to attend this event.

Tuesday 6 April 2010


Hiya peeps! Just got back from eastercon and got a few goodies!! Righty yo! It was marvellous seeing some of my favourite authors! And a few embarassing moments :( , christ I couldn't believe the social faux pas I committed there!! I'm thinking, I shouldn't go to these events ever again... good thing Stephen Deas is so understanding... so there I was an over eager fan qeueing up to get my books signed... then it was finally my turn!! I ask Mr. Deas to kindly sign my copy of The Adamantine Palace, so he opens the book up to the title page, and guess what? It was already signed! I bought a book which he already signed!! I should have checked whether the copy I bought was a signed copy or not! Oh. My. God. !!! So I said sorry and beat a quick and hasty retreat... I so need to go home!! Mr. Deas was ever so nice about it, he just smiled and said something pacifying which I couldn't remember anymore. In my embarassment I forgot to get my copy of The King Of The Crags signed!! Can somebody please shoot me!

I did get my copy of Excession signed by Ian Banks... **squeeee**... and along with a whole boatload of books which I got signed by the authors! Yay!!!

Now it's time to share... the talented Mr. Joe Abercrombie signed for me the whole First Law trilogy! One lucky blog reader is going to take home the signed copy of The Blade Itself* (Book 1 of the First Law trilogy) for free!! All you have to do is say so in your comment that you want it. Easy peasy! But please leave a way for me to contact you in case you win or come back on May 17. This giveaway will run until May 16 and winner to be announced on May 17. Open worldwide. Eastercon is exhausting!

*Please note that the picture of The Blade Itself above may not be the same cover that you are getting in the giveaway. Above pic is stock image.
Amendments: Several changes to wordings has been made since post became live. Questions? Email me.

Sunday 30 August 2009


Went to the RCT county show and they had fabulous, fabulous display. Take this cake for example, it's mouth watering and freshly made. I did not stay at the event very long because I was hungry!

Then they had flowers on display. This is my favourite...

One of the tables was displaying these wonderful creations of bangles and necklaces for cheap prices... I ended up buying a pink hello kitty wrist watch for a bargain!!

Not a lot of people went but I think that was down to advertising. I do not think that people did not come because they don't want to or that they were not attracted to the event, but because they did not know about it. Me, being such a nosey git, I knew about the event and went there.

Pictures are courtesy of WalesCymru.
