Showing posts with label friday reveal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friday reveal. Show all posts

Friday 27 June 2014

A MURDER OF MAGPIES Friday Reveal & Giveaway

Besides the dream of seeing your book in print, one thing so many authors daydream about is what the cover will look like. I come from an artistic background. My grandmother was a watercolorist, and I actually spent time in college as an art major before switching first to forensic pathology (don’t ask—it obviously didn’t last) and eventually English. As someone who’s visual, I was excited and, to be honest, nervous for what Month9Books would come up with as the design for the cover of A MURDER OF MAGPIES.

Georgia McBride asked for my input, which I know is rare because so often authors don’t get much say, if any, in their cover art, but I still didn’t know what to expect. Yet when I saw it, I adored my cover. How could there be any other cover for A MURDER OF MAGPIES? The design brings in details like the cobblestone roads of the book’s setting, Black Orchard, Wisconsin. I could imagine walking down that road in the fog and knowing someone was watching. The antique-style light plays off Vayda’s family’s business in the antiques trade as well as her ability to take emotion and turn it into electricity. Then the bird . . . I love the bird’s position as it is hunched over to peck at the ground as if uncovering a secret, and this is a story where everyone has secrets.

The Book

A Murder Of Magpies by Sarah Bromley
Genre: urban fantasy
Publication Date: 28 October 2014

About A Murder Of Magpies:
Winter in Black Orchard, Wisconsin, is long and dark, and sixteen-year-old Vayda Silver prays the snow will keep the truth and secrecy of the last two years buried. Hiding from the past with her father and twin brother, Vayda knows the rules: never return to the town of her mother’s murder, and never work a Mind Game where someone might see.

No one can know the toll emotions take on Vayda, how emotion becomes energy in her hands, or how she can’t control the destruction she causes. But it's not long before her powers can no longer be contained. The truth is dangerously close to being exposed, placing Vayda and her family at risk.

Until someone quiets the chaos inside her.

Unwanted. That's all Ward Ravenscroft has ever been. To cope, he numbs the pain of rejection by denying himself emotions of any kind. Yet Vayda stirs something in him. He can't explain the hold she has on him--inspiring him with both hope and fear. He claims not to scare easily, except he doesn't know what her powers can do. Yet.

Just as Vadya and Ward draw closer, she finds the past isn't so easily buried. And when it follows the Silvers to Black Orchard, it has murder in mind.
Source: Info in the About A Murder Of Magpies was from the press kit from the publicity team.

Meet The Author

About Sarah Bromley:
Sarah Bromley lives near St. Louis with her husband, three children, and two dogs. She likes the quiet hours of morning when she can drink coffee in peace, stare into the woods behind her house, and wonder what monsters live there. When she's not writing or wrangling small children, she can be found volunteering at a stable for disabled riders.

  • One (1) ebook copy of A Murder of Magpies by Sarah Bromley and a $10 Amazon Gift Card.
  • Open Internationally
  • Winner will be drawn July 4, 2014
  • Winners will receive their book on release day

Friday 14 March 2014

BONESEEKER Friday Reveal & Giveaway!


Welcome to the Cover Reveal for

BONESEEKER by Brynn Chapman

presented by Month9Books!

The Book

Boneseeker by Brynn Chapman
Genre: urban fantasy

About Boneseeker:
Arabella Holmes and Henry Watson embark on an archaeological dig to determine if a giant skeleton is Neaderthal or Nephilim. Someone or something does not want the riddle solved; they learn they are the second expedition deployed... and the first team...are dead
Source: Info in the About Boneseeker was from the press kit from the publicity team.

Meet The Author

About Brynn:
Born and raised in western Pennsylvania, Brynn Chapman is the daughter of two teachers. Her writing reflects her passions: science, history and love—not necessarily in that order. In real life, the geek gene runs strong in her family, as does the Asperger’s syndrome. Her writing reflects her experience as a pediatric therapist and her interactions with society’s downtrodden. In fiction, she’s a strong believer in underdogs and happily-ever-afters. She also writes non-fiction and lectures on the subjects of autism and sensory integration and is a medical contributor to online journal The Age of Autism. | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads


One (1) ebook copy of Boneseeker by Brynn Chapman and a $10 Amazon Gift Card.
Open Internationally


Friday 7 March 2014

A WHISPERED DARKNESS Friday Reveal & Giveaway!


Welcome to the Cover Reveal for

A Whispered Darkness by Vanessa Barger

presented by Month9Books!

Be sure to enter the giveaway found at the end of the post!

The Book

A Whispered Darkness by Vanessa Barger
Genre: urban fantasy

About A Whispered Darkness:
When a soul breaks, it isn’t pretty. The pieces are sharp; they cut and bite and rend at flesh. They seek blood, want vengeance. They congeal, become something more than they were, something dark and beautiful and terrible.
Source: Info in the About A Whispered Darkness was from the press kit from the publicity team.

Meet The Author

About Vanessa:
She’s a middle grade and young adult author, represented by Jennifer Mishler and Frances Black of Literary Counsel. She teaches high school technology education in rural Virginia and is the slave to one cat, Molly. She spends all her free time writing. She’s a member of the SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators). When not writing, she’s reading, and an avid movie fan. She also loves long walks on the beach discussing Shakespeare while sipping large fruity drinks with little umbrellas.

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads


One (1) ebook copy of A Whispered Darkness by Vanessa Barger and a $10 Amazon Gift Card.
Open Internationally