Sunday 13 February 2011


Darkness Descending by Devyn Quinn

Publication Date: 2 August 2011

About Darkness Descending
The first seal has been broken, signaling the end of days. Fallen angels in the form of vampires are infecting humans one by one, creating an army fit for Armageddon. Of the few who survive the infection, one stands alone above all others…

For one year, Jesse Burke has been suppressing the beast within, driven by vengeance to destroy the vampiric fallen angels terrorizing New Orleans. But a war of biblical proportions is too much for one girl to handle, and she must turn to slayer Maddox deValois for training, though it threatens her fiercely-guarded independence. But the sinister demon Queen Amonate is doing everything in her power to lure Jesse to her side to fulfill her destiny as the mother of the devil’s child.

Before this war is over, everyone will learn that hell hath no fury like a woman possessed…
Source: Info in the About Darkness Descending was taken from the author's website at on 18/01/2011.

Saturday 12 February 2011


The winner of the ebook copy of Tears On A Tranquil Lake with Marsha's guest post is:

Congratulations to our winner!!! Please watch out for Marsha's email in your inbox!

Friday 11 February 2011

"VOICE" - What Is It?

Voice - Most of us probably know what an "author's voice" is. However, there might just be a few out there who still doesn't know. I can still clearly remember the time when I first encountered the concept... Voice? Are they going to sing?! The utter cluelessness! Anyway, as far as I understand it, a "voice" is that distinct pattern that emerges when one writes. This pattern is particular to a person. It is as distinctive as a person's voice. That distinctness which allows us to identify that person even without seeing him/her, but by merely hearing that person's voice. A sort of similar distinctness emerges when one writes. This distinct writing style or pattern or whatever you want to call it, is what the term "author's voice" refers to. One does not have to write a book to have a "voice". If you've written or typed anything, i.e., blogged, then a distinct pattern or style of how you write things, emerges. I therefore must have a "voice", though I cannot see it. But I bet a lot of you can.

Here is a definition which might help us better understand what a "voice" is:
Writer's voice is an obsolete literary term used to describe the individual writing style of an author. Voice was generally considered to be a combination of a writer's use of syntax, diction, punctuation, character development, dialogue, etc., within a given body of text (or across several works).
Source: Above definition of "voice" was taken from GetGlue at on 09/02/2011.

So, we now know what "voice" means... So what are the implications of this concept to the publishing industry? Are you a reader? A blogger? I bet you have an opinion... Please do share!

To start off with, I'll tell you mine from a reader's point of view and you can agree or disagree with me. In my years of reading I find that what "makes" or "breaks" a book is the story telling quality. And I believe that the "author's voice" is what comprises the story telling quality, or at least the major chunk of it. Of how well does an author tell the story? Some authors have a way of stringing words together and makes the story come alive. Some not only catch my interest, but draws me in so completely to what they are saying that the real world fades away. The authors I found who does this are Jim Butcher and Ilona Andrews. Some authors are able to paint a very vivid world with their words that it comes to life for me, I could almost taste it!  Anne Bishop is one such author. The genre therefore becomes a secondary choosing criteria. Genre only helps me narrow things down in a vast sea of books because if I don't narrow it down, it'll probably drown me. What I'm really looking for when I read a book therefore is how good the author's voice is. This, I believe takes talent. So I say:
Everybody has a voice, but not everybody can sing. Some people sing better than others, and then there are those who sing with undescribably good talent.

Thursday 10 February 2011


The winner of the free copy of A Brush Of Darkness with Allison Pang's Guest Post & Giveaway is:
Congratulations to our winner!!! Please reply to our email with your postal address where you want your book sent to.

Thank you to FinePrint Literary Management for organizing the blog tour and giveaway!

Wednesday 9 February 2011


A chance to showcase your favourite!
  • First you grab our Wicked Wednesday pic.
  • Then you grab a book. Turn to page 28. Take the first sentence. And then you post it in your site with a link back to WW28.
  • Come back to Cherry Mischievous - WW28 and give us the url of your post (in a comment at a WW28 post) so that other WW28 readers can find your WW28 offering.
WW28 book offering : Siren's Call by Devyn quinn
Page 28, 1st Sentence:
Hell would freeze over first.
...sounds headstrong to me :)

About Siren's Call:
Book 1 of the Dark Tides series
Between desire and love there are some things that can’t stay buried, even in the deep of the ocean.

As a woman with a secret, lighthouse keeper Tessa Lonike savors her solitude on the island of Little Mer, off the coast of Maine. During a violent storm, Tessa spots a man thrashing in the ice cold waters and dives in to save him, using her ability as a mermaid to easily pull him to shore.

When Kenneth Randall awakens on the beach he is alone, left with the haunting memory of his beautiful, flame-haired savior. But a year later, when Kenneth meets her again, he’s determined not to let Tessa slip away. Just as the desire between them begins to burn, Tessa’s archaeologist ex-lover comes back to town with a tantalizing clue to her murky heritage.

The trio travel to the Mediterranean in search of answers, and when Tessa inadvertently opens an underwater portal they find a lost mermaid city. But in the deep, not everything is as it seems, and Tessa must decide if she wants to take her place as the royal heir, or follow the call of her heart…

“Siren’s Call is a thoroughly mesmerizing ride — Quinn throws open the doors to an unbelievable world where nothing is as expected. At once terrifying and fascinating and unbelievably entertaining, this is a book you won’t forget.” -Kate Douglas, bestselling author of Wolf Tales & The DemonSlayers
Source: Info in the About Siren's Call was taken from the author's website at on 31/05/2010.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Guestpost: Tampa’s Pirate Extravaganza--Gasparilla

Tampa’s Pirate Extravaganza--Gasparilla

From my first visit to the Caribbean, I was hooked. I love the culture, the sway of steel drum bands, the colorful cottages, the turquoise waters, soft sand, sun, delicious seafood, rum beverages, and pirate lore.

Two years ago, when I moved to the Tampa area, I was delighted to feel the vibe of the Caribbean seeping into the local atmosphere, and it inspired me to write.

When I learned about the annual Tampa Gasparilla Festival, I was fascinated by the famed buccaneer legend, as well as the wild, Mardi Gras style celebration. The result—my book, Tears on a Tranquil Lake with a pirate captain, a mermaid, and a merman as characters.

Coincidentally, the Gasparilla festival this year took place last Saturday, so my inspiration has come full circle to presentation of this published book marking the same event.

The festival is based on the legend of swashbuckling buccaneer José Gaspar, known by the nickname Gasparilla. He was a Spanish pirate who terrorized Florida’s west coast during late 18th and early 19th centuries.

As an aristocrat by birth and officer in the Spanish Navy, Gasparilla was well educated, possessed courtly manners, and had all the appearances of a fine gentleman. There are a few versions of his motive for becoming a pirate. One claims he achieved high rank of councilor to King Charles III. Popular in court, he held favor with many ladies. When he spurned one lover for another, the jilted lady took revenge by accusing him falsely of theft of crown jewels. In order to escape arrest, he took leave of Spain in his naval ship, vowing to seek his own revenge through piracy. An aristocrat-turned-pirate began an adventurous life as an outlaw of the sea. A very romantic legend of the man.

During the next thirty-eight years he called himself “Gasparilla” and trolled the Florida coastline, sacking every passing ship for treasure. Entries from his own personal diary boast the capture and burning of thirty-six ships during his first twelve years as a pirate.

In 1821 Spain sold Florida to the United States. At that time Gasparilla decided to retire, but once last take tempted him, despite the unknown practices of the new rule. He ordered his crew to attack and pillage a large British merchant ship. But when they approached, the merchant lowered its Union Jack and raised an American flag. It was in fact the pirate-hunting schooner, the USS Enterprise. Riddled by cannon balls, they left Gasparilla’s flagship burning to ruin. Rather than surrender, Gaspar chained the anchor chain around his waist and neck and leapt from the bow, shouting, "Gasparilla dies by his own hand, not the enemy's!" He brandished his sword in a final gesture of defiance.

The tradition of the Tampa Bay Gasparilla festival began in May, 1904. It is still celebrated with a mock invasion, as hundreds of boats of “Gaspar’s crew” sail through Tampa Bay to downtown Tampa and “take over the city.” The mayor then lends the key of the city to the represented pirate captain and a parade ensues down Tampa's major streets. The krewes (crews) in the parade throw beads, coins and other items while shooting blank pistols from floats during the parade. Music and celebration lasts through a long, wild night.
It’s terrific my book, Tears On A Tranquil Lake, releases alongside this fun event which brought it to life in my mind.

What a surprise for a young woman, to find herself suddenly transformed into a mermaid.

Ciel’s first thought – track down the merman who changed her and make him reverse his magic.

Unable to find him, survival in her new world becomes paramount. She eagerly accepts help from a dashing pirate captain who takes a fancy to her, lavishing her with finery. When her merman does show up, he competes for her affection. One look into his eyes makes her life more complex -- he is her soul mate.

Which man will she choose – pirate captain or merman? Which life – human or mermaid? Caribbean adventures and dangers chase Ciel as she searches for decisions and the key to her happiness.

Warning: This book contains Haitian vodou, sultry wenches, foul-mouthed scalliwag pirates, overindulgence of fine Caribbean rum, and amorous encounters on deserted beaches.

ISBN: 978-1-926931-29-6

Purchase Link

One lucky commenter will win a copy of the ebook Tears On A Tranquil Lake courtesy of MuseItUp Publishing.

Extra Entries:
You may gain extra entries by spreading the word about this guest post on Twitter. You can tweet as many times as you like, but that will only count as one entry credit for Twitter. However, many tweets will be greatly appreciated!

Giveaway is international and ends on February 10. Please provide a way to contact you if you win.

Wednesday 2 February 2011


A chance to showcase your favourite!
  • First you grab our Wicked Wednesday pic.
  • Then you grab a book. Turn to page 28. Take the first sentence. And then you post it in your site with a link back to WW28.
  • Come back to Cherry Mischievous - WW28 and give us the url of your post (in a comment at a WW28 post) so that other WW28 readers can find your WW28 offering.
WW28 book offering : Magic To The Bone by Devon Monk
Page 28, 1st Sentence:
I wasn't buying it. I just couldn't fit the idea of a kinder, gentler man inside the skin my father owned.
This gives us a taster of how cynical our protagonist is...

About Magic To The Bone:
Book 1 of the Allie Beckstrom series
"Using magic meant it used you back. Forget the fairy tale hocus-pocus, wave a wand and bling-o sparkles and pixie dust crap.

Magic, like booze, sex, and drugs, gave as good as it got."

Everything has a cost. And every act of magic exacts a price from its user--maybe a two-day migraine, or losing the memory of your first kiss. But some people want to use magic without paying, and they offload the cost onto an innocent. When that happens, it falls to a Hound to identify the spell's caster--and Allison Beckstrom's the best there is.

Daughter of a prominent Portland businessman, Allie would rather moonlight as a Hound than accept the family fortune--and the many strings that come with it. But when she discovers a little boy dying from a magical offload that has her father's signature all over it, Allie is thrown back into the high-stakes world of corporate espionage and black magic.

Now, Allie's out for the truth--and the forces she finds herself calling on will overturn everything she knows, change her in ways she could never imagine...and make her capable of things that powerful people will do anything to control.
Source: Info in the About Magic To The Bone was taken from the author's website at on 29/10/10.