Wednesday 23 March 2016


Winds Rising by B. A. Silverman
Book 1 of the Windriders Saga
Genre: fantasy YA
Format: ebook

About Winds Rising:
Taken in by the Patriarch of the Sleeping God sect upon the death of his mother when he was 6, Tamsen Fairchild, at 14, sees little in his future except being groomed as one of the Patriarch’s Watchers, whose sole purpose is to make sure that the Godder community adheres to the strictures of their religion -- no sounds above a whisper, and no inventions of any kind. But Tamsen yearns to make music, like the lullabies his mother used to sing. His greatest joy is to escape for a mark or two into the forest and try to imitate the music of the birds on his forbidden hand-made whistle.

An unexpected crisis takes Tamsen’s Patriarch to consult his counterpart in the river city of Savia and it is Tamsen who is chosen to accompany him. While the two religious leaders confer, Tamsen sneaks away to explore the city, where “noise” is allowed – even encouraged! But his attention is suddenly torn from the sights and sounds of the city by a wisp of – something more – something wondrous – something like, and yet unlike the lullabies he remembers and the birdsong he struggles to imitate. He is drawn forward, across an open court, unheeding of the dray that nearly knocks him down and the angry shouts of the carter, to an open doorway. As he steps through, his focus narrows until all he sees is the man at the center of a crowd and the strange instrument he holds, from which pours those amazing sounds. Compelled to capture the tones for himself, he pulls out his whistle, closes his eyes and tries to recreate them.

When the tones abruptly cease, he looks up -- and meets the eyes of the man who is about to change his life. Jon, the minstrel, is convinced that Tamsen possesses a Bardic Gift, and insists upon getting him directly to Citadel, the Magicka school in Lenhold, where his Gift can be nurtured. To avoid recapture by Tamsen’s Patriarch, Jon intends to call upon a Windrider friend to fly Tamsen there on kirback. Tamsen’s excitement is almost more than he can bear. Not only will he leave behind the intolerable restrictions of the Godders and be given the opportunity to learn how to produce the music in his heart, but he is going to fly there with a Windrider, on a magical winged beast! Surely he must be dreaming! His entire world seems to be expanding beyond his wildest hope. Little does Tamsen realize just how very large that world will be.
Source: Info in the About Winds Rising was taken from GoodREads at on 27/02/2016.

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My Thoughts:
The worldbuilding is wonderful! It is intricate and stays with you long after you've read the book. And I really like sentient flying unicorns! Can't beat that! Plus the bad guys are bad and the good guys are good. Simple. Straight forward. No twisting your emotions into a pretzel. The story telling style has a middle grade tone, which I guess is kinda tolerable in YA, but the characters are growing up fast. I imagine Book 2 would no longer be YA. While the story plot ended, the book is distinctly just a first chapter of a bigger book. Meaning the book ended in a cliffhanger. Bummer! I didn't like that.

Empirical Evaluation:
Story telling quality = 4.5
Character development = 5
Story itself = 3
Writing Style = 4
Ending = 2
World building = 5
Cover art = 4.5
Pace = 4
Plot = 4.5

Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 cherries

About B. A. Silverman
B. A. Silverman
B. A. Silverman doesn't do things by halves. Her fascination with fantasy, fueled by such stellar literary names as Marion Zimmer Bradley and Mercedez Lackey, soon led to a prolific outpouring of story ideas - many of which, she tells us, "thankfully never saw the light of day."

But soon, she says, "I began constructing whole worlds in my head. There was nothing to do but get them on paper." And into print, as she sold short fantasy to such magazines as Alfred Hitchcock and to the anthology "Prom Night", edited by Nancy Springer.

Two such forays into short fantasy ended up forming the basis for the intricacies of the varied geographies and civilizations that populate the landscape of her trilogy, "Windriders Saga".
facebook | goodreads | amazon

Books In The Windriders Saga:

FTC Disclosure:
This book was purchased with private funds.
No money received for this review.

Wednesday 16 March 2016


The Book

A Rose In The Desert by Louis Piechota
Genre: fantasy / young adult

About A Rose In The Desert:
Prince Ethyrin is the last true heir to the throne of Arandia. Orphaned as a small child, he has been raised in the court of his uncle, the tyrant and usurper King Artan. Now fourteen, he is still childish, but also brave and noble, and Artan has decided that his nephew must never grow to manhood.

Barely escaping his uncle’s assassins, Ethyrin is forced to flee in exile to Calimshaan, the fabled City of Delights of the Jeddein. There he meets Nuara, a slave taken by the Jeddein and kept as a treasure in the household of one of their lords. She is also brave and strong, but is withering in her captivity. The only dream she has left is to escape and go home, or else to die trying.

Awestruck by her courage, and also needing some place to run to himself, Ethyrin decides to join Nuara in her quest. Together they must escape from Calimshaan and face the long journey to her homeland. To reach it they must cross the vast desert of the south and the wide, empty lands beyond it, where Nuara was taken years before. On their way they will face slavers and strange spirits and the wraiths of a dead civilization. By helping one another, they may reach their destination. But while Nuara’s home lies at the end of their road, Ethyrin will need all of his bravery and a nobility that has nothing to do with his title to make a new home for himself.
Source: Info in the About A Rose In The Desert was taken from GoodReads at on 07/03/2016.

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Meet The Author

About Louis Piechota:
Louis Piechota: grew up in Colorado but now live in upstate New York. Currently pay the bills by working as a mechanical engineer, but his dream has always been to become a professional author and support himself by what he write. His main interest in writing is fantasy, and also got a few ideas for science fiction stories that haven't made it onto the page yet. Basically anything that he can't find in the real world is what interests him in writing and in reading.

Wednesday 9 March 2016


The Desert Spear by Peter Brett
Book 2 in The Demon Cycle series
Read by Colin Mace
Genre: epic fantasy
Format: ebook & audiobook

About The Desert Spear:
The sun is setting on humanity. The night now belongs to voracious demons that arise as the sun sets, preying upon a dwindling population forced to cower behind ancient and half-forgotten symbols of power. These wards alone can keep the demons at bay, but legends tell of a Deliverer: a general — some would say prophet — who once bound all mankind into a single force that defeated the demons. Those times, if they ever existed, are long past. The demons are back, and the return of the Deliverer is just another myth . . . or is it?

Out of the desert rides Ahmann Jardir, who has forged the warlike desert tribes of Krasia into a demon-killing army. He has proclaimed himself Shar’Dama Ka, the Deliverer, and he carries ancient weapons — a spear and a crown — that give credence to his claim. Sworn to follow the path of the first Deliverer, he has come north to bring the scattered city-states of the green lands together in a war against demonkind — whether they like it or not.

But the northerners claim their own Deliverer. His name was Arlen, but all know him now as the Warded Man: a dark, forbidding figure whose skin is tattooed with wards so powerful they make him a match for any demon. The Warded Man denies that he is the Deliverer, but his actions speak louder than words, for he teaches men and women to face their fears and stand fast against the creatures that have tormented them for centuries.

Once the Shar’Dama Ka and the Warded Man were friends, brothers in arms. Now they are fierce adversaries. Caught between them are Renna, a young woman pushed to the edge of human endurance; Leesha, a proud and beautiful healer whose skill in warding surpasses that of the Warded Man himself; and Rojer, a traveling fiddler whose uncanny music can soothe the demons — or stir them into such frenzy that they attack one another.

Yet as old allegiances are tested and fresh alliances forged, all are blissfully unaware of the appearance of a new breed of demon, more intelligent — and deadly — than any that have come before.
Source: Info in the About The Desert Spear was taken from GoodReads at on 03/01/2016.

My Thoughts:
In this book we are introduced to a more sinister kind of nemesis. This time around the demons are not just mindless but strong, fast, with sharp claws frightening beings. We get to know a higher kind of demon with vicious cunning. Can fly and command vast armies. Mankind has no chance! Aha! And then we read on....

Like The Painted Man, this book is also a slow start despite the convenience of the audiobook. I think the other reason for this book being particularly slow start is because it openned with the story of Jardir whom we met in Book 1. I didn't like him. And that dislike colored my views about reading his side of the story. Thus it took a great deal of perseverance on my part to plod through his story. Consequently, it dragged the pace of this book down considerably. Usual fantastic world building. Masterful story telling quality. And the dreaded "jumping-through-multiple-threads" style of telling the story. **sigh**

The story has multiple threads and jumps from thread to thread every couple of chapters or so. Like for example I was reading about Arlen for the last couple of chapters. Then the next chapter jumps to Leesha. I have to go back to the last chapter where Leesha left off because I had forgotten what had happened to her last while being immersed in Arlen's story. The continuity of the story is broken. This story telling style feels jarring to the reading flow. And this is the very reason why I stopped reading Ian Irvine...

No, it's not graphic sex that tacked the "Parental Advisory" sticker on this book/series. It's the rape, incest and other issues. This also contributed to this book's slow pace. Although the author kind of glossed over it.

The narration - by now I am already used to Colin Mace's reading. I still don't agree with all of his interpretations of the book, but, it is easier for me to just let it go now.

But here is the real kicker, the book ended in a big whooping cliffhanger! This book is just a chapter of a bigger book. The story didn't start nor ended in this book. At all. Just a chapter.

Empirical Evaluation:
Story telling quality = 3.5
Character development = 4.5
Story itself = 3.5
Writing Style = 3
Ending = 1
World building = 5
Cover art = 4
Pace = 2
Plot = 3
Narration = 4.5

Overall Rating: 3 out of 5 cherries

About Peter Brett
Peter V. Brett
Raised on a steady diet of fantasy novels, comic books, and Dungeons & Dragons, Peter V. Brett (“Peat” to his friends) has been writing fantasy stories for as long as he can remember. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature and Art History from the University at Buffalo in 1995, and then spent over a decade in pharmaceutical publishing before returning to his bliss. He lives in Brooklyn. | facebook | facebook author page | twitter | goodreads | pinterest | instagram | google+

Books in The Demon Cycle series:

FTC Disclosure:
The ebook and audiobook copies of this book were purchased with private funds.
No money received for this review.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

UNLEASH THE STORM #BlogTour & #Giveaway

The Book

Unleash The Storm by Annette Marie
Book 5 of the Steel And Stone series
Genre: urban fantasy

About Unleash The Storm:
Piper thought she could handle the Sahar, the most powerful magical weapon in existence. She thought she could protect her loved ones and stop a war. She thought she could make a difference.

She was wrong, and her mistakes were paid for in blood.

Leaving her world—and her failures—behind, she retreats to the Underworld with Ash and the other draconians. They forge deep into long abandoned mountains, the first draconians to fly the valleys and passes in centuries—or so they thought. Until now, Ash’s mysterious heritage has been nothing but a name, but his presence does not go unnoticed. A new danger stalks him, one that may be even greater than what they escaped.

Cut off from the power she’d come to rely on and lost in a world where she doesn’t belong, Piper has never felt so hopeless. But she must find her strength, and find it quickly, before she loses Ash to an ancient power he can’t fight, before her home is devastated by the daemon war, and before her mind, body, and soul are consumed by the Sahar’s insidious magic.
Source: Info in the About Unleash The Storm was from the press kit from the publicity team.

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A thirteenth griffin dropped through the opening in the ceiling to land in the center of the aisle. Golden hair brushed across his face, most of it captured in a thick braid that hung down to his waist. Topaz jewels on fine white gold chains had been woven through the plait, making it glitter. His clothing was a mixture of rich red silks and light armor, as beautiful as it was functional. He held a long sword in one hand.

His eyes, normally a bright yellow-green, were black as pitch as they locked on her like a lion stalking an injured gazelle.

“Miysis.” She couldn’t help the cautious note in her voice.

He lifted his blade out to one side of his body, a casual but attack-ready position.

“Piper. Draw your sword.” The words were an icy croon in his impossibly melodic voice, almost as beautiful as Lyre’s incubus harmonics.

Oh shit. It was pretty safe to say he knew exactly who had killed his sister, and he intended to kill Piper for it in a formal execution of justice.

“Miysis—” she began.

He gave the tip of his sword a little flick—some kind of signal. His soldiers surged into motion, moving blindingly fast. In seconds, they had surrounded her and Miysis, creating a circle around them. Miysis glided a few steps closer to her, his black eyes not shifting from her face. His golden-brown wings were folded behind his back and his tail swished slowly behind him, the end flaring in a fan of feathers.

“Miysis, can we—” she tried again.

“Draw your sword.” He lifted his, light sliding across the shining steel, and she knew that was her last warning.

Other Books In The Steel And Stone Series:

Meet The Author

About Annette Marie:
Annette Marie is the author of the Amazon best-selling YA urban fantasy series Steel & Stone, which includes the 2015 Goodreads Choice Award nominee Yield the Night. Her first love is fantasy, a limitless realm of creativity where she can break all the boring rules of real life, but fast-paced urban fantasy, bold heroines, and tantalizing forbidden romances are her guilty pleasures. She proudly admits she has a thing for dragons, and her editor has politely inquired as to whether she intends to include them in every single book.

Annette lives in the frozen winter wasteland of northern Alberta, Canada (okay, it’s not quite that bad). She shares her life with her remarkably patient, comparatively sensible husband and their furry minion of darkness — sorry, cat — Caesar. When not writing, she can be found elbow-deep in one art project or another while blissfully ignoring all adult responsibilities.


Celebrate the Release with a Giveaway!
Grand Prize: Amazon Kindle Paperwhite (Open U.S. & Canada) + Steel & Stone Bundle Set
~International winner would receive a $100 gift card instead of a Paperwhite~
4 Runner-Ups will receive copies of the Steel & Stone Bundle Set

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