Wednesday 13 April 2016


The Daylight War by Peter Brett
Book 3 in The Demon Cycle series
Read by Colin Mace
Genre: epic fantasy
Format: ebook & audiobook

About The Daylight War:
On the night of the new moon, the demons rise in force, seeking the deaths of two men both of whom have the potential to become the fabled Deliverer, the man prophesied to reunite the scattered remnants of humanity in a final push to destroy the demon corelings once and for all.

Arlen Bales was once an ordinary man, but now he has become something more—the Warded Man, tattooed with eldritch wards so powerful they make him a match for any demon. Arlen denies he is the Deliverer at every turn, but the more he tries to be one with the common folk, the more fervently they believe. Many would follow him, but Arlen’s path threatens to lead him to a dark place he alone can travel to, and from which there may be no returning.

The only one with hope of keeping Arlen in the world of men, or joining him in his descent into the world of demons, is Renna Tanner, a fierce young woman in danger of losing herself to the power of demon magic.

Ahmann Jardir has forged the warlike desert tribes of Krasia into a demon-killing army and proclaimed himself Shar’Dama Ka, the Deliverer. He carries ancient weapons--a spear and a crown--that give credence to his claim, and already vast swaths of the green lands bow to his control.

But Jardir did not come to power on his own. His rise was engineered by his First Wife, Inevera, a cunning and powerful priestess whose formidable demon bone magic gives her the ability to glimpse the future. Inevera’s motives and past are shrouded in mystery, and even Jardir does not entirely trust her.

Once Arlen and Jardir were as close as brothers. Now they are the bitterest of rivals. As humanity’s enemies rise, the only two men capable of defeating them are divided against each other by the most deadly demons of all--those lurking in the human heart.
Source: Info in the About The Daylight War was taken from GoodReads at on 03/01/2016.

My Thoughts:
I went into this book with a lot of prejudice. That didn't help any. So yes, this is a slow read, audiobook or not. And just like Book 2, it's just another chapter of a bigger book. Which makes this series, obviously, not a trilogy. This series seems to be becoming an ongoing thing so much like Robert Jordan's Wheel Of Time series. Hopefully, unlike the Wheel Of Time, the author won't die before the final book is published! **fingers crossed** ...And also unlike the Wheel Of Time, there would be less padding... hopefully...

Also like the previous books, The Daylight War also has the same story telling style. The story has multiple threads and jumps from thread to thread every couple of chapters or so. Like for example I was reading about Arlen for the last couple of chapters. Then the next chapter jumps to Leesha. I have to go back to the last chapter where Leesha left off because I had forgotten what had happened to her last while being immersed in Arlen's story. The continuity of the story is broken. This story telling style feels jarring to the reading flow. And this is the very reason why I stopped reading Ian Irvine... And another reason why this book is a slow read. And then it ended in a whoopping, big-ass cliffhanger....

However, even after all that moaning, it still has a masterful world building! So much so that no matter how I dislike the story telling style, I could not, in all honesty give this book a less than 2. Well, 2, is not exactly the sum of its parts when broken down in the Empirical Evaluation, but that is what I give this book anyway. Cliffhanger endings is sooo not to my liking.

Empirical Evaluation:
Story telling quality = 3.5
Character development = 4.5
Story itself = 3.5
Writing Style = 1.5
Ending = 1
World building = 5
Cover art = 4
Pace = 1.5
Plot = 3
Narration = 4.5

Overall Rating: 2 out of 5 cherries

About Peter Brett
Peter V. Brett
Raised on a steady diet of fantasy novels, comic books, and Dungeons & Dragons, Peter V. Brett (“Peat” to his friends) has been writing fantasy stories for as long as he can remember. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature and Art History from the University at Buffalo in 1995, and then spent over a decade in pharmaceutical publishing before returning to his bliss. He lives in Brooklyn. | facebook | facebook author page | twitter | goodreads | pinterest | instagram | google+

Books in The Demon Cycle series:

FTC Disclosure:
The ebook and audiobook copies of this book were purchased with private funds.
No money received for this review.

Monday 11 April 2016

A BUSS FROM LAFAYETTE #BlogTour & #Giveaway

The Book

A Buss From Lafayette by Dorothea Jensen
Genre: historical YA

About A Buss From Lafayette:
Fourteen-year-old Clara Hargraves lives on a farm in Hopkinton, a small New Hampshire town, during the early 19th century. She has a couple of big problems. First of all, she has a stepmother, Priscilla, who used to be her spinster schoolteacher aunt. Clara resents that her late mother’s older sister has not only married her father but is about to have a baby. To make matters worse, “Prissy Priscilla” keeps trying to make the rambunctious, clever, and witty Clara act like a proper young lady. Secondly, Clara has red hair, making her a target for teasing by a handsome older boy, Dickon Weeks, and by her pretty seventeen-year-old Dread Cousin Hetty. Clara, however, has a secret plan she hopes will change this. During the last week of June, 1825, Clara’s town is abuzz because the famous General Lafayette is about to visit their state during his farewell tour of America. In those eventful seven days, Clara learns a lot about her family, Hetty, Dickon, herself, and about Lafayette. She comes to understand the huge and vital role the young French aristocrat played in America’s Revolutionary War and to see that her problems might not be quite so terrible after all.
Source: Info in the About A Buss From Lafayette was from the press kit from the publicity team.

Buy Link(s):

It is June, 1825. On a farm in Hopkinton, New Hampshire, Clara Hargraves, 14, is telling this story. In this excerpt, she is at the supper table with her father, her stepmother (Priscilla, whom Clara thinks of as “Prissy”), and her brother, Joss.

“I do not need to take a bath every single Saturday night when I can jump in the pond to wash off anytime I like, at least in the summertime.”

Prissy glanced at Father again. “Yes, I have been meaning to speak to you about that, Clara. Now that you are a young lady, you must not swim in the pond any longer. It is not seemly.”

I looked at my stepmother in disbelief. “It is seemly enough, ma’am. I wear my chemise, and Joss’s old breeches, if anyone is around, so I am well-covered.”

“That’s another thing. Now that you are fourteen, you are too old to wear Joss’s clothes anymore,” she said.

“Not even to ride astride?”

Especially not to ride astride. You are not to do so any more.”

“Wear the breeches or ride astride?”


“But . . .”

Father spoke up. “No ‘buts,’ my girl, you heard your mama. She knows how young ladies must behave. If she says you must ride sidesaddle from now on, that is what you must do.”

“Sidesaddle? But that is so silly!” I protested. “I cannot hold on properly with only one knee around the horse. It is like riding half a horse!”

Father leaned over and patted my hand.

“Nevertheless, daughter, you must use Priscilla’s sidesaddle whenever you ride Feather.” He turned to his wife. “Although that will not be for much longer, I am afraid. I have found a buyer for Feather in Warner. I am taking her up there on Monday. We can certainly use the extra money, with the new baby coming and all.”

“But, Father, there is no other horse I can ride! Fury is getting to be too old for anything but pulling the whisky. And Flame is barely trained to the bridle, let alone any kind of saddle. She’s not even two years old yet!”

“She will be two in a couple of weeks, daughter. Perhaps by the time she is trained, you will have learned to ride properly on your mother’s sidesaddle.”

Something about the way Father said this made my temper flare.

“If you insist, Father. But . . . but she is not my mother, she is only my aunt! My real mother’s old maid sister!” I jumped from my chair and ran from the room, leaving shocked silence behind me

Book Trailer:

Meet The Author

About Dorothea Jensen:
Dorothea Jensen, born in Boston, Massachusetts, grew up in Chillicothe, Illinois. She majored in English literature at Carleton College. After teaching high-school English and serving as a Peace Corps volunteer in Brazil, she earned a master s degree in education at the University of New Mexico. In 1989, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich published Dorothea s novel for young readers about the American Revolution, The Riddle of Penncroft Farm. In addition to other honors, it was named an International Reading Association Teacher s Choices Selection and is read in classrooms throughout the U.S. A Buss from Lafayette is set in the small New Hampshire town where Dorothea lives. Two things inspired her to write this story. First, was learning that Lafayette passed right by her house during his 1824-5 Triumphal Tour. Another was meeting a woman whose ancestor received a kiss from Lafayette. That buss, passed down through generations, eventually came to Dorothea. This sparked her interest in Lafayette s contributions to our struggle for independence. Dorothea also enjoys writing rhyming verse. She has written a series of award-winning illustrated modern Christmas stories in verse featuring Santa's Izzy Elves.

​ For more information about Dorothea and her books, please visit

Blog Tour Giveaway

Prize: One winner will receive a $25 Amazon gift card or $25 PayPal cash prize, winner's choice

Giveaway ends: May 2, 11:59 pm, 2016

Open to: Internationally

How to enter: Please enter using the Rafflecopter widget below.

Terms and Conditions: NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. A winner will be randomly drawn through the Rafflecopter widget and will be contacted by email within 48 hours after the giveaway ends. The winner will then have 72 hours to respond. If the winner does not respond within 72 hours, a new draw will take place for a new winner. Odds of winning will vary depending on the number of eligible entries received. This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook. This giveaway is sponsored by the author, Dorothea Jensen and is hosted and managed by Stacie from BeachBoundBooks. If you have any additional questions – feel free to send and email to

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Wednesday 6 April 2016


Brotherhood In Death by JD Robb
Book 42 of the In Death series
Narrated by Susan Ericksen
Genre: scifi crime fiction
Format: ebook & audiobookAudible Books

About Brotherhood In Death:
Sometimes brotherhood can be another word for conspiracy...

Dennis Mira just had two unpleasant surprises. First he learned that his cousin Edward was secretly meeting with a real estate agent about their late grandfather’s magnificent West Village brownstone, despite the promise they both made to keep it in the family. Then, when he went to the house to confront Edward about it, he got a blunt object to the back of the head.

Luckily Dennis is married to Charlotte Mira, the NYPSD’s top profiler and a good friend of Lieutenant Eve Dallas. When the two arrive on the scene, he explains that the last thing he saw was Edward in a chair, bruised and bloody. When he came to, his cousin was gone. With the mess cleaned up and the security disks removed, there’s nothing left behind but a few traces for forensics to analyze.

As a former lawyer, judge, and senator, Edward Mira mingled with the elite and crossed paths with criminals, making enemies on a regular basis. Like so many politicians, he also made some very close friends behind closed — and locked — doors. But a badge and a billionaire husband can get you into places others can’t go, and Eve intends to shine some light on the dirty deals and dark motives behind the disappearance of a powerful man, the family discord over a multimillion-dollar piece of real estate . . . and a new case that no one saw coming.
Source: Info in the "About Brotherhood In Death" was taken from GoodReads at on 19/09/2015.

My Thoughts:
42 books into the series... and one would expect "same old, same old" yet somehow, JD Robb manages to put a fresh spin to it all. It is a credit to her story telling abilities that this series' staying power hasn't faded on me yet. In fact, I am as enraptured with it as I ever was. I think waiting for the next book for a year may have contributed to it, that every time I get my hands on the next book it was like meeting a long lost friend again. Which is exactly what this book felt like. The down side is, I didn't see Bella in this book. This book also reminded me why I don't really like crime fiction... because crime fictions gotta have crime in it! Uglies in life is not my kind of thing. I'm an escapist reader. I read to escape the uglies! Having said that, JD Robb does make it worth my while to read through the uglies to read an enjoyable book! So it's 4.5, not a 5 out of 5, only by virtue of it being a crime fiction!

Empirical Evaluation:
Story telling quality = 5
Character development = 5
Story itself = 4
Writing Style = 5
Ending = 5
World building = 5
Cover art = 4
Pace = (13 hrs and 37 mins listening time)
Plot = 4.5
Narration = 4

Overall Rating: 4.5 out of 5 cherries

FTC Disclosure:
Ebook and audiobook copies of the book were purchased with private funds.
No money received for this review.

Friday 1 April 2016

BENEATH THE SURFACE Release Day Blitz & Giveaway

The Book

Beneath The Surface by M. A. Church
Genre: urban fantasy | m/m romance

About Beneath The Surface:
A whole different world exists beneath the surface.

The last thing Nisha expects while patrolling his territory is to find his mate, but his instincts tell him the handsome human diving into the surf is the one meant for him. Two bites and Kannon will be joined to him forever. But when Kannon’s father disrupts the mating process, Nisha releases his claim, hoping beyond hope his mate will one day return.

While free diving with his father, Kannon is bitten by a seductive merman. Although he swore to never go near the ocean again, the pull to return to the water and his mystery man remains strong. Finally, after fifteen years away, an impromptu wedding brings Kannon back to the Seychelles, and his destiny.

Kannon only plans to stay on the island for a week, but this time Nisha won’t let his mate go without a fight. Merfolk and human culture collide as the embers of Nisha and Kannon’s mate bond ignite, and Nisha must complete the mating before it’s too late.
Source: Info in the About Beneath The Surface was from the press kit from the publicity team.

Buy Link(s):
iBook Buy

The sun pounded down on his shoulders. The fact he wore a black dive shirt wasn’t helping matters, but there was no way he was taking it off. Apparently the bite wasn’t as deep as he first thought since he wasn’t seeing blood all over himself.

He took a deep breath, and the tang of salt in the air stung his swollen lips. Gentle waves rocked their boat—just another day on the ocean, right? Unfortunately that couldn’t disguise the horror he’d faced earlier. White sand beaches and hot, sunny weather—what better way to spend a vacation, right? Right?


“Kannon Michel Thomas!” Charles, his dad, sat on the floor of the boat glaring at him. “Do you have any idea how badly you scared me?”

Meet The Author

About M. A. Church:
M.A. Church is a true Southern belle who spent many years in the elementary education sector. Now she spends her days lost in fantasy worlds, arguing with hardheaded aliens on far-off planets, herding her numerous shifters, or trying to tempt her country boys away from their fishing poles. It’s a full time job, but hey, someone’s gotta do it!

When not writing, she’s on the back porch tending to the demanding wildlife around the pond in the backyard. The ducks are very outspoken. She’s married to her high school sweetheart, and they have two grown children.

She was a finalist in the 2013 Rainbow Awards, runner up in the 2015 Rainbow Awards, and is a member of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America.


Winner’s Prize: $5 Amazon GC

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