Tuesday 5 September 2017


Priestess Of War by Trevor H. Cooley
Book 10 of The Bowl Of Souls series
Read by James Foster
Genre: epic fantasy
Format: ebook & audiobookAudiobook

About Priestess Of War:

Born of war and kept young only by the darkest of magic, the Dark Prophet’s most powerful priestess has returned to the Trafalgan Mountains to take control of the Black Lake’s mindless evil. Now, with a growing army of the infested and dead under her power, she turns her gaze on Dremaldria.

Fist’s chances of helping his former tribe destroy the Black Lake are bleak at best. The combined help of the Academy and the Mage School may not be enough to help him defeat The Priestess of War.
Source: Info in the About Priestess Of War was taken from GoodReads at https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/33561710-priestess-of-war on 05/08/2017.

My Thoughts:
I've had a copy of this book in my phone for the longest time and resisting reading because I did not want to read it before Behemoth is released because I would want to dive into the next book as soon as I hit the cliffhanger ending of this book. Ten instalments down the line, I know how the ending of the books in this series goes. But this time around we actually get some sort of a closure! Hurrah!! Some threads in the story arc are still hanging, of course, but we got an ending on one of the major plot lines! And I like that a lot. And the fact that I got to read on with the next book as soon as I hit the cliffhanger ending negated the cliffhanger-ending-syndrome depression. This is the best book yet in the series. But to get here you have to read through the previous books first because it would make more sense than jumping straight into this book without reading the previous books first. Do I love this book? Oh, yeah!! And I got to read a lot about my favourite ogre too! Kudos to this book!! So why does the book still not get a 5 out of 5 then? Because it still ended in a cliffhanger ending.

Empirical Evaluation:
Story telling quality = 4
Character development = 4.5
Story itself = 4
Writing Style = 4
Ending = 4.5
World building = 5
Cover art = 3.5
Pace = 3
Plot = 4
Narration = 5

Overall Rating: 4.5 out of 5 cherries

Books In The Bowl Of Souls Series:

The Author
Trevor H. Cooley
Since putting out his first book: Eye of the Moonrat in May of 2012, Trevor H. Cooley has sold over 200,000 copies of his books in ebook and audio formats.

He was born in South Carolina and has lived all around the United states, including Utah, New Mexico, Michigan and Tennessee.

His love of reading started in the second grade with Lloyd Alexander’s Chronicles of Prydain series. He couldn’t get enough and continued with David Eddings, Tolkein, Robert Jordan, Stephen King, and many others. Since then, all he wanted was to become a published writer.

The characters and concepts that eventually became the Bowl of Souls series started in his teens. He wrote short stories, kept notebooks full of ideas, and generally dreamed about the world constantly. There were several attempts at starting a novel over the years.

Not long after he was married, his wife told him to stop talking about the story and write it down. Many years and rewrites and submissions and rejection letters later, he finally put the books on Amazon. In August of 2013 he quit his day job and started writing full time.

The Narrator

James Foster
James Foster was born in Björk’s house in Iceland and grew up on Easter Island, where his parents were giant stone heads. He has the ability to fire beams of tacos out of his hands and he can turn his legs into tigers. On Sundays, James enjoys reading Family Circus and traveling through time. His favorite color is greenish-transparent and his favorite movie is the one you just watched. James is in charge of uploading the staff bios to the website, and no one has checked over his work.

FTC Disclosure:
This book was purchased with private funds.
No money received for this review.

Saturday 5 August 2017


Wildfire by Ilona Andrews
Book 3 of the Hidden Legacy series
Read by Renee Raudman
Genre: urban fantasy
Format: ebook & audiobook

About Wildfire:
Just when Nevada Baylor has finally come to accept the depths of her magical powers, she also realizes she’s fallen in love. Connor “Mad” Rogan is in many ways her equal when it comes to magic, but she’s completely out of her elements when it comes to her feelings for him. To make matters more complicated, an old flame comes back into Rogan’s life…

Rogan knows there’s nothing between him and his ex-fiance, Rynda Sherwood. But as Nevada begins to learn more about her past, her power, and her potential future, he knows she will be faced with choices she never dreamed of and the promise of a life spent without him.

As Nevada and Rogan race to discover the whereabouts of Rynda’s kidnapped husband and are forced to confront Nevada’s grandmother, who may or may not have evil motives, these two people must decide if they can trust in each other or allow everything to go up in smoke.
Source: Info in the About Wildfire was taken from GoodReads at https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27422533-wildfire on 31/07/2017.

My Thoughts:
I've read somewhere that the author only signed a three-book contract with this series, so a trilogy then, however the ending of this book left a few issues hanging in the storyline which indicates that there will be more books coming out. I certainly hope so because I would like to read more about Zeus and Matilda! But I think at this point it is up in the air. So if this happens to be the last book in this world, I would really be pissed off!! Because those issues that were left hanging, were quite major ones.

As usual the authors did not disappoint! Masterful weaving of a tale, compelling story telling quality, and wonderful world building with memorable characters! Looking forward to hearing that the publisher offered another three-book contract with the authors!

Empirical Evaluation:
Story telling quality = 5
Character development = 5
Story itself = 4.5
Writing Style = 5
Ending = 4.5
World building = 5
Cover art = 4
Pace = 4
Plot = 5
Narration = 4.5

Overall Rating: 5 out of 5 cherries

Hidden Legacy Books:

Wednesday 5 July 2017


White Hot by Ilona Andrews
Book 2 of the Hidden Legacy series
Read by Renee Raudman
Genre: urban fantasy
Format: paperback, ebook, & audiobook

About White Hot:
The Hidden Legacy series by #1 New York Times bestselling author Ilona Andrews continues as Nevada and Rogan navigate a world where magic is the norm…and their relationship burns hot

Nevada Baylor has a unique and secret skill — she knows when people are lying — and she's used that magic (along with plain, hard work) to keep her colorful and close-knit family's detective agency afloat. But her new case pits her against the shadowy forces that almost destroyed the city of Houston once before, bringing Nevada back into contact with Connor "Mad" Rogan.

Rogan is a billionaire Prime — the highest rank of magic user — and as unreadable as ever, despite Nevada’s “talent.” But there’s no hiding the sparks between them. Now that the stakes are even higher, both professionally and personally, and their foes are unimaginably powerful, Rogan and Nevada will find that nothing burns like ice …
Source: Info in the About White Hot was taken from GoodReads at https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22303684-white-hot on 09/06/2017.

My Thoughts:
As usual, Ilona Andrews, delivers! But then again I am an old die-hard fan of this author duo, so I am admittedly biased. But having said that, it does not belie the fact that this book is a fantastic read! Being the second book in the series, the world building and character development has already been established in Book 1. And those masterful world building, character development, and story telling quality are carried on with this book, as expected. Safe to say that this is a 5 out of 5 read! The only down side is that I have to wait for the next book and I am not very patient! :(   And being Book 2 in the series, I suggest that one read Book 1 first before reading this book. It'll just make more sense. And, you wouldn't be cheating yourself out of the wonderful reading experience of reading this series in order rather than out of order.

Empirical Evaluation:
Story telling quality = 5
Character development = 5
Story itself = 4.5
Writing Style = 5
Ending = 4.5
World building = 5
Cover art = 4
Pace = 4
Plot = 5
Narration = 4.5

Overall Rating: 5 out of 5 cherries

Hidden Legacy Books:

Tuesday 4 July 2017


The Bridesmaid And The Hurricane by Kelly Maher
Genre: modern romance

About The Bridesmaid And The Hurricane:
A one-weekend stand over a year ago, and now they're coworkers...

Being a woman in TV is hard enough, but when the boss is trying to derail Radhika O’Leary’s career from behind the scenes, she has to make sure every aspect of her work—and her life—stands up to scrutiny.

Of course, the double standard is alive and well and Malcolm Jones, the broadcast meteorologist known as “Colm” to his friends and “The Hurricane Hottie” to his fangirls, knows that fame can hurt just as much as it helps. When Colm moves to DC, he’s excited to work with Radhika—her professional reputation is sparkling, and so are the kisses they shared that one weekend over a year ago when he was in town covering a blizzard.

But when Radhika is paired up with Colm for a project, all she sees is a looming storm over her carefully constructed career. Sparks still fly between the two journalists, and if they’re not careful, lightning might strike and alter the course of their lives forever.
Source: Info in the About The Bridesmaid And The Hurricane was from the press kit from the publicity team.

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Once they got inside the cafeteria, they went their separate ways to order their lunches. Stacey came back as Radhika was waiting on the veggie burger she’d ordered. “Did you get fries to go with that?”


“Can you get a second order? I’ve been dying for some.”

“Sure.” She put in the request and they came up with the burger.

They went through the check out and Radhika put it all on her company account. They found an empty table over in one of the corners. Less chance of being interrupted. “How did the segment go?”

“Really good. I managed to get in all of the information I wanted to about the show and we still had a little time left over, so I talked a bit about how part of the proceeds go to help charity.”

“That’s great.”

“Yeah. Hopefully, if someone doesn’t go to the play, they’ll still consider donating.” She lifted one shoulder and dug into her bowl of chicken noodle soup.

The noise level in the cafeteria lifted like a small wave building into a bigger one. Radhika looked over and quickly found the reason. Colm. She wondered if this was his first turn in the cafeteria. Like if he knew that tour groups sometimes ended up here. Today, there was a bunch of high schoolers and some family groups. High-pitched squeals echoed every few seconds as he stopped to take pictures she was sure would be posted to the internet right after he walked away.

“Wow. Is that him?”

Radhika turned back to find Stacey staring at Colm slack jawed. “Mm-hmmm.”

Stacey leaned in. “And you hit that?” She held up her hand for a high-five.

Radhika let her hang.

“Hey, I’m trying to congratulate you.”

“You realize that’s crass.”

“So?” She pointed at her still raised hand with her other index finger. “High-five back, bitch.”

Meet The Author

About Kelly:
Foiled in her attempts to pursue a career in Forensic Anthropology due to a fatal incomprehension of calculus, Kelly turned to a life of telling people where to go, AKA librarianship. She then took another page out of her idol Indiana Jones' playbook and renamed herself after the dog, writing tales of romance of varying heat levels and erotica. She currently splits her time working on new writing projects and at the day job in a federal library in Washington, DC.

Monday 3 July 2017


The Book

PROMISES Part 3 by A. E. Via
Genre: M/M Gay Contemporary

About PROMISES Part 3:
A bounty hunter’s partners to lovers’ story.
The hunt is on… and he’s the prey.

Bradford (Ford) King was sure he had the rest of his life mapped out. Though he was no longer a SEAL Lieutenant, his brother was home safe and he had a job that still allowed him to satisfy his hunger for hunting bad guys. Life was simple, no distractions or complications – at age forty-six – that’s all Ford wanted. What he didn’t want was his work partner, sniper/watchman, Dana, giving him s**t all the time.

Dana Cadby had grown up labeled a roughneck from the wrong side of the tracks. He’d fought, scrounged, and survived despite a father that constantly told him he couldn’t. Dana pulled himself up by his own boot straps and made a name for himself in the marksman community. He’d been Duke’s bounty watchman for five years. It was his job to ensure their safety, watch their backs. At thirty-three, he was trusted, well respected by his peers, his bosses, his friends… so why couldn’t he earn the same respect from his partner?

Dana knew he was bisexual before he graduated high school. He also knew he was attracted to the huge, 6’3”, SEAL from the moment he and his brother came to join their team. It wasn’t easy for him to tamp down his immediate reaction to Ford’s thick muscles, full beard, and dark eyes. Still, Dana exhibited nothing but professionalism towards him, not wanting to make his ‘straight’ partner uncomfortable.

After Dana took back his ex-girlfriend, he’d noticed an intensification in Ford’s bad attitude. One that turned aggressive and downright antagonistic, and Dana was damned if he’d just lay down and take it. He was gonna make that man respect him if it was the last thing he did.

When Duke sends Dana and Ford out to track down their most dangerous bounty yet, they both embrace the fact that they make one hell of a team… but they fight tooth and nail against the powerful intimacy brewing between them.

Beware: When Ford and Dana connect, no fugitive can hide from the hunter and his watchman.

This story is a part of a series but can stand alone. It does not end on a cliffhanger and has a HEA.
Disclaimer: This book is about MM romance, albeit there is a very brief MF scene.
Source: Info in the About PROMISES Part 3 was from the press kit from the publicity team.

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“God, brat,” Ford retorted.

Dana’s laughter dwindled when he noticed the rich look of lust on Ford’s face. He’d never ever seen that look on him. He kept his eyes on Ford’s, wanting that look all to himself. Craving that look. He released the air he’d been holding and sucked in a much-needed breath. The temperature in the room spiked thirty degrees as they stared unashamedly at each other. If he weren’t such a gentleman he’d be up off that small loveseat and straddling Ford’s lap before he could erase that look from his face. But first, he had a girlfriend to break up with. Dana was not a cheater. And second, this was all new territory for Ford and he wouldn’t be a jerk and push him into something he wasn’t ready for.

“I better go. It’s late,” Dana said, breaking the tension. As soon as he stood up, he pulled at the hem of his shirt to try to cover his half-hard erection. “I had a good time, Ford.” Dana turned around and groaned under his breath. Why’d I say that? He’d just made it sound like he’d been on a date.

“Me too,” Ford said from close behind him. Dana was relieved Ford didn’t read too much into his choice of words.

Dana put on his coat and slowly made his way to the door, hesitant to leave Ford’s company after only a measly four hours. He could enjoy being around him – especially when he wasn’t so uptight – for much longer. Before he opened the door, Dana turned, desperate for even a few more seconds. “Have a good night.”

Ford looked so serious again, like he was debating with himself. The bad guy on his shoulder winning over the good guy on the other. Then everything seemed to move in slow-motion. Ford braced his palm flat on the door beside Dana’s head, mimicking what he’d done earlier, preventing him from leaving. While some might find the action a bit barbaric, Dana’s cock was getting harder and harder. He didn’t move, careful to let Ford go at his own pace. Oh so slowly, Ford brought his right hand up and gently caressed the bristles on Dana’s cheek. Dana just remembered to breathe before he passed out. Ford was touching him, and not in a hetero kind of way. It’s what he’d wanted for so long. Ford leaned in, carefully watching Dana’s eyes as he did. Before their lips could touch, Ford whispered gravely, “Stay still.”

Jesus Christ. Dana didn’t move, barely inhaled. There was no way he was about to ruin this.

Ford’s beard brushed his cheek and Dana realized he’d been right. It was soft to the touch, like Ford used conditioner on it. Dana felt his knees go weak but he locked them in place. Was Ford going to kiss him or was he going to just whisper in his ear and tease the hell out of him… what? All he felt was a deliciously solid, rock hard chest against his own and warm breaths behind his ear. But he followed orders and stayed still, didn’t dare move. He kept his fists clenched tightly at his sides to keep from pulling Ford even closer to him. When Ford was done inhaling him, he grazed Dana’s ear with his lips. Not a kiss… a caress. Dana felt Ford turn his face into the crook of his neck and he fought not to whimper like a love-sick girl.

“Get rid of her. Now,” Ford ordered, making Dana almost come in his pants.

Meet The Author

About A.E. Via:
A.E. Via is an author in the beautiful gay romance genre and also founder and owner of Via Star Wings Books. Her writing embodies everything from hopelessly romantic to adventure, to scandalous. Her stories often include intriguing edges and twists that take readers to new, thought-provoking depths.

When she’s not clicking away at her laptop, she devotes herself to her family—a husband and four children.

Adrienne has tons of more stories to tell, so be sure to visit her site to learn more! Go to A.E. Via’s official website http://authoraevia.com for more detailed information on how to contact her, follow her, or a sneak peak on upcoming work, free reads, VSWB submissions, and where she’ll appear next.
