Sunday 30 August 2009


Went to the RCT county show and they had fabulous, fabulous display. Take this cake for example, it's mouth watering and freshly made. I did not stay at the event very long because I was hungry!

Then they had flowers on display. This is my favourite...

One of the tables was displaying these wonderful creations of bangles and necklaces for cheap prices... I ended up buying a pink hello kitty wrist watch for a bargain!!

Not a lot of people went but I think that was down to advertising. I do not think that people did not come because they don't want to or that they were not attracted to the event, but because they did not know about it. Me, being such a nosey git, I knew about the event and went there.

Pictures are courtesy of WalesCymru.


Friday 28 August 2009


A Taste of Darkness by Nina Bangs

Genre: urban fantasy

My Review:
The author obviously has a very good sense of humor and is showing through the lines in the pages. Which makes a very fun reading indeed!

I only realized that this is the third book in the THE MACKENZIE VAMPIRES SERIES halfway down the book. Maybe if I've read the first three books first, then perhaps I would have a greater appreciation of events and characters. As it is, the story telling quality wasn't very compelling. I find my mind wandering while reading that it took me a few weeks to finish this book.

I would say this is a good read but not grab-your-attention-and-carry-you-away kinda book.

Cherry's Rating: 3 out of 5 cherries

Caption at the back:

He'd lived a thousand years for this? Reinn Mackenzie was a one ticked-off vampire.

Werewolves - furry pains in the butt. Werecats - sneaky whisker-twitching manipulators. Reinn hated them all. But most of all, he hated his job. Guardian of the Blood. What a crock.

The Mackenzie council, in its infinite stupidity, had ordered him to protect the purity of the clan's bloodline. What purity? They were all just a bunch of bloodsuckers, for crying out loud. Besides, how cold he destroy a clan member for mating with someone not on the council's approved list when the very sight of a certain little werecat revved his engine?
Kisa Evans made it impossible for him to think about anything but the dangerous fantasy of freeing his own inner beast. No matter how he fought the desire to feel the soft heat of her throat beneath his lips, the craving only grew. Kisa might be the enemy, but he longed to show her the sweet ecstasy to be found in...
A Taste of Darkness

Tuesday 25 August 2009


Went to the dentist yesterday and I'm still smarting from my dentist calling me old. Of course he dressed it up in dentist talk and all, still the same, "old". *sigh*


Sunday 23 August 2009


My Review:
I enjoyed this movie although there were some "unable-to-suspend-disbelief" moments where a scene is just too unbelievable to connect with. Where a scene is just too unbelievable for a viewer to suspend disbelief even if one went into it wanting to suspend disbelief. However I like the way they put a scientific background to the ScienceFiction/Fantasy issue in the story. As in, they explained the fantastic metal-eating warhead with nano technology.

Obviously the producers are planning a sequel since they added a cliffhanger there at the end.

Cherry's Rating: 4 out of 5 cherries

The story is about:

A US secret paramilitary-force-ala-A-Team with James Bond gadgets to deal with extra special threats such as crazy super-intellegent geeks who invents nano-war-heads for world domination.

  • modern fantasy which is also sort-of a science fiction
  • a comic-book adoptation (I think)

Saturday 22 August 2009


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Tuesday 18 August 2009


The Spook's Sacrifice by Joesph Delaney

Genre: YA, fantasy

Verdict: Story well-told.

My Review:
J. Delaney did not disappoint. Absorbing world, this book is.

Plus this time, a bit of an adventure was added into the mix. It probably helped that England (Tom and Spook's country) is on the same continent as Greece (Mam's country). I like this new twist in the series. Adventure plus a deviation from Tom's usual Spook's apprentice thingie. Keeps the series from being monotonous. Will continue to look forward to reading more of the Spook's series.

Hey they made a new website for J. Delaney's Spook series books!!!

Plus a blog:

Cherry's Rating: 4 out of 5 cherries.

Caption on the cover sleeve:
'Witches, Mam? We've made an alliance with witches?'

'I know you'll find it hard because of what your master's taught you,' Mam said, laying a hand on my shoulder, 'but we can't win without them. It's as simple as that. And we have to win, we really do.'

As the Spook's apprentice, Tom's first duty is to protect the County from the dark. But now Mam needs his help in her homeland of Greece. One of the most dangerous of the Old Gods, the Ordeen, is about to return there, bringing slaughter and devastation.

Mam has summoned a powerful group to her side, but among them are Tom's old enemies, the Pendle witches. Can Tom go against all the Spook has taught him and ally himself with witches What is the secret that Mam is keeping from him? And what sacrifices must be made in the battle against the dark?

The sixth chilling tale in the Wardstone Chronicles.