Wednesday 14 July 2010


  • First you grab our Wicked Wednesday pic.
  • Then you grab a book. Turn to page 28. Take the first sentence. And then you post it in your site with a link back to WW28.
  • Come back to Cherry Mischievous - WW28 and give us the url of your post so that other WW28 readers can find your WW28 offering.

WW28 book offering: Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles
Page 28, 1st Sentence:
Okay, so I shouldn't have fucked with her on the introduction thing.

That line sort of shows us just how naughty our main male protagonist is :)

About Perfect Chemistry:
Get ready for a whole new take on
star-crossed lovers, Romeo and Juliet,
West Side Story, bad boy meets good girl...
At Fairfield High, everyone knows that south siders and north siders aren’t exactly compatible elements. So when cheerleader Brittany Ellis and gang member Alex Fuentes are forced to be lab partners, the results are bound to be explosive.

Neither teen is prepared for the most surprising chemical reaction of all – love. Can they break through the stereotypes and misconceptions that threaten to keep them apart?
Source: Info in the About Perfect Chemistry was taken from the book's website at on 07/05/2010.

Monday 12 July 2010

Interview With the Earl of Granville & Giveaway

Today is the first stop for the Sex & Subterfuge virtual book tour and we have with us the scrumptious Earl of Granville!

  • First of all... please tell us a little more about yourself.
I am Lucien Harrington, Earl Granville, Viscount Harrington. You, my dear, (lifts hand to kiss the back of it) may call me Lucien. My parents have recently been murdered, and I’m searching for their killers, which is why I currently reside on my steamship, sailing from the upper regions of Canada, down the coast of the United States. My next stop is Philadelphia.

Unfortunately, I had to leave my beloved sister, Isadore, in England. She couldn’t travel with me after our parents’ murder, and while she’s with close friends, I don’t want her alone. However, I do have ways to keep in touch with her.

  • Are you into reading books? If so, what is your reading list?
I tend not to have a lot of time to read, I’m very busy with my shipping business and currently with searching the entirety of North America for the mysterious Blackthorne line. Being a strong magicker myself, I also have to keep a low profile, there are a lot of people out there who will turn me in for the few pounds they’ll receive from the Witch Hunters. Still, I do enjoy Charles Darwin, an interesting fellow him, with interesting ideas, as well as Mr. Tolstoy’s War and Peace, Charles Dickens, Alexandre Dumas.

Between searching for magickers, smuggling them from the Witch Hunters, campaigning for more magicker freedom, keeping my own Druidic heritage secret, and now searching for the missing master line, the Blackthornes, my life is full. Pity, I enjoy a good drama.

  • If you could have one superpower, what would it be? What kind of power would you choose?
My dear, I already have superpowers, as you call them. I control the water. I love the sea, always have, and it listens to my every command. Hurricanes and typhoons? I can sail straight through them with no problems. I can create storms, too, to lash out at any enemy ship.

I wouldn’t want to be gouache, however, and am very discreet with my powers.

  • What is the scariest thing you’ve ever done?
Looking into my sister, Isadore’s, face when our parents were murdered and telling her I wouldn’t be there for her. That I was going to the Americas in a fruitless attempt to find a master magicker line that hasn’t been heard of in over 150 years.

However, the scariest sight I’ve ever seen is when I angered Isadore and her dearest friend, Raven. It was a day I’ll not soon forget and the day I learned that even the bravest of men can run for their lives. I was in my early teens, home from Eton. I have absolutely no idea what I did, but the two of them together, magicks all but sparking out of their fingertips, presented a sight I’ll not soon forget.

  • :) If a powerful entity grants you one wish, what would your wish be?
To remove Sir John Corwin, Head Witch Hunter, from this earth. Not kill him, if it was that simple I’d do it today. No, I fear he’ll become a martyr for his cause if murdered, but I want him disgraced, embarrassed, plucked from this world as if he never existed.

However, my utterly selfish wish would be to speak with my parents once more, to hear my father’s boisterous laugh, to feel my mother’s energetic presence. And to apologize for not preventing their deaths. They died right in front of me at an innocuous picnic on our estate, and I was helpless to do anything to prevent it.

We are sorry to hear of your parent's death, Lucien! But we hope that you would be successful in your quest...

Sex & Subterfuge by Isabel Roman
Book 2 of the Dark Desires of the Druids series

About Sex & Subterfuge:
A master magicker, Morgana Blackthorne has a tenuous hold on her following. When a strange Englishman arrives on her doorstep with news of other druidic magickers, and magicker problems, she’s intrigued but suspicious. There hasn’t been contact between the American and European druids in over a hundred years. Plus she has her own worries and doesn’t need the handsome earl adding to them.

Lucien, Earl of Granville, left England to seek out the Blackthorne Druid line and discover what they’ve been up to since contact was lost. Once he and Morgana meet, their mutual attraction distracts him from his puropse. Embroiled in her problems, he finds himself more concerned with her welfare than is practical for a passing affair.

When I invited you into my bed, it never occurred to me I wouldn’t want you to leave.

There are darker forces at work and the hunger of a weak magicker desperate for power. Will Lucien convince Morgana of his true feelings before things spiral out of control? Or will the surrounding subterfuge tear them apart?
Source: Info in the About Sex & Subterfuge was taken from the author's website at on 21/06/2010.

Check out Isabel’s free Dark Desires of the Druids: Choose Your Own Adventure story!

Author Links:

Buy Link(s):

Giveaway: (CLOSED)
Part 1: Isabel will be giving away a Vice Versa beaded fashion purse, a summer shawl, and a box of Godiva chocolates to one randomly drawn commenter from the blog stops. To enter, leave a comment on the blog stops (listed below) -- enter at every stop each day to earn more entries!

GoddesFishThis blog tour was courtesy of GoddessFish. The tour stops:
7/12/2010 Cherry Mischievous
7/13/2010 Alisha Paige
7/14/2010 You Gotta Read Reviews
7/15/2010 Tory Richards Romance With An Attitude
7/16/2010 The Romantic Journey
7/19/2010 Domistically Challenged Momma
7/20/2010 Fantasy Pages
7/21/2010 The Cozy Page
7/22/2010 Amber Scott Project
7/23/2010 Diary Of A Literary Goddess
7/26/2010 Bad Girl (And Bad Boy) Writer's Block
7/27/2010 Simply Sexy Stories
8/4/2010 Kaily Hart, Writer
8/5/2010 Angela Kay Austin Romancing The Pen
8/6/2010 Authors By Authors

Part 2: Another lucky commenter will win a print copy of Sex & Subterfuge. This part of the giveaway is not part of the tour, but this is from me to my readers. I think this book is so sizzlingly good that I've pre-ordered it and I will buy another copy of the book and send it to a lucky commenter! So there will potentially be two winners here: one from the virtual book tour and one from me :)  This part of the giveaway is open to followers only, you have to be 18 or over to enter, open to international readers and ends on August 6. Winner will be notified by email, so please make sure that you leave a way to contact you or come back after August 6 to check if you've won.

*Disclaimer: Tour images were provided by GoddessFish. Book cover art was taken from the internet and is presumed to be in the public domain and is therefore under the Common License.

Saturday 10 July 2010


I got a sword-wielding warrior and a demon in the mail this week :)

I would like to thank TOR for the review copy of Nights of Villjamur (Legends of the Red Sun) by Mark Charan Newton received.
Nights of Villjamur by Mark Charan Newton
Book 1 of the Legends Of The Red Sun

About Nights of Villjamur:
Beneath a dying red sun sits the proud and ancient city of Villjamur, capital of a mighty empire that now sits powerless against an encroaching ice age. As throngs of refugees gather outside the city gates, a fierce debate rages within the walls about the fate of these desperate souls. Then tragedy strikes—and the Emperor’s elder daughter, Jamur Rika, is summoned to serve as queen. Joined by her younger sister, Jamur Eir, the queen comes to sympathize with the hardships of the common people, thanks in part to her dashing teacher Randur Estevu, a man who is not what he seems.

Meanwhile, the grisly murder of a councillor draws the attention of Inspector Rumex Jeryd. Jeryd is a rumel, a species of nonhuman that can live for hundreds of years and shares the city with humans, birdlike garuda, and the eerie banshees whose forlorn cries herald death. Jeryd’s investigation will lead him into a web of corruption—and to an obscene conspiracy that threatens the lives of Rika and Eir, and the future of Villjamur itself.

But in the far north, where the drawn-out winter has already begun, an even greater threat appears, against which all the empire’s military and magical power may well prove useless—a threat from another world.
Source: Synopsis in the About Nights of Villjamur was taken from the author's website at on 08/07/2010.

I would like to thank Sia McKye's Thoughts... Over Coffee for hosting a contest which made it possible for me to win Demonfire: The Demonslayers by Kate Douglas!

About Demonfire:
Newspaper reporter Eddy Marks thinks she knows everything about her quite hometown. She couldn t be more wrong. Turns out Evergreen, California, is the site of a vortex that allows demons to cross over to Earth, and the only one who can stop them is an unbelievably sexy fallen demon named Dax... who has just crashed into Eddy's life.
Source: Info in the About Demonfire was taken from amazon at on 08/07/10.

Wednesday 7 July 2010


A chance to showcase your favourite!
  • First you grab our Wicked Wednesday pic.
  • Then you grab a book. Turn to page 28. Take the first sentence. And then you post it in your site with a link back to WW28.
  • Come back to Cherry Mischievous - WW28 and give us the url of your post so that other WW28 readers can find your WW28 offering.

WW28 book offering: Belladonna by Anne Bishop
Page 28, 1st Sentence:
And, in truth, he would deserve some of the blame.

About Belladonna:
In Sebastian, national bestselling and award-winning author Anne Bishop introduced a stunning new realm, a world of strange and magical landscapes connected only by bridges bridges that may transportt you where you truly belong, rather than where you wished to go. But only the magic of the Landscapers can protect this world from the entity determined to enshroud it in darkness...

One by one, the landscapes of Ephemera are falling into shadow. The Eater of the World is spreading its influence, tainting people's souls with doubts and fears, and feasting on their dark emotions. With each victory, the Eater comes closer to extinguishing Ephemera's Light.

Only Glorianna Belladonna possesses the ability to thwart the Eater's plans. But she has been branded a rogue, her talents and vast power feared and misunderstood. Determined to protect the lands under her care, Glorianna will stand alone against the Eater if she must regardless of the cost to her body and soul.

But she is not alone. In dreams, a call has traveled throughout Ephemera: "Heart's hope lies within Belladonna." That call has traveled far from the landscapes Glorianna claims and reached Michael, a man with mysterious powers of his own. It awakens a fierce hunger within him to find the dark-haired sorceress he's dreamt of, over and over again a beautiful womann named Belladonna.

As Michael and Glorianna's hearts call out to each other across the Landscapes, together they may offer Ephemera the very hope it needs...
Source: Info in the About Belladonna was taken from the author's website at on 24/05/2010.

Monday 5 July 2010


Every month I am giving away prizes to my followers as a way to say "thank you" for being with me.

Last month, Kelsy A was our winner. Another follower will win this month... it's free and it doesn't hurt :)
£10 Amazon Gift Certificate (eVoucher)

(Note: currency is in British Sterling Pounds [UK], but I think you can spend it on any country's amazon store.)

To Enter: All you have to be is a follower of this blog to be entered.
  • If you are not yet a follower, just click that "Follower" button on the sidebar to get included in the draw. And then leave a comment in this post with your email add. Or, if you don't want to leave an email add, check back at the beginning of August to see if you won.
  • I you are already a follower, the same goes with the comment and a way to contact you.
  • Please note that you have to make a comment in this contest post to indicate your interest in winning to be entered in the draw.
    • Because I've drawn a random follower before and he didn't want the prize because he wasn't interested. So now, a follower needs to indicate their interest to be entered...
Extra Entries:
  • A participant of this contest gets one extra entry credit every time he/she spreads the word about this contest after verification of the url address given in the comment. However, only one extra entry will be credited per site. Like for example, you can tweet as many times as you like but that will count only as one extra entry credit. Although we do appreciate it if you tweet multiple times about this contest!
Contest Ends:
  • 31st of July 2010
  • Open only to Cherry Mischievous followers (via Google Friend Connect) and/or to CherryD community members. Because the main reason I am hosting this contest in the first place is to reward my readers, therefore this contest is for followers only :)
      • Not yet a follower? Just click the "FOLLOW" button on the sidebar. Easy peasy!
      • You do not have to be a CherryD member if you are already a Cherry Mischievous follower to enter this contest. But being a CherryD member as well, will gain you 5 extra entry credits. Extra entry credits will increase your chances of winning.
  • This contest is open internationally where the amazon online shop is accessible to you.
  • Winner will be picked among the followers. Winner have one week to claim prize otherwise prize will become forfeit.
  • Void where prohibited.
  • Questions? Ask! mischivus101-followergiveaway [at] yahoo [dot] com.
  • Please read the blog's Disclaimer as it forms part of the contest rules.

Sunday 4 July 2010


The Iron Hunt by Marjorie Liu
Book 1 of the Hunter Kiss series

Genre: urban fantasy, chick lit

About The Iron Hunt:
Silver smoke winds around my torso, peeling away from my ribs and back, stealing the dark mist covering my hands and lower extremeties... tattoos dissolving into demon flesh, coalescing into small dark bodies. My boys. The only friends I have in this world. Demons.

I am a demon hunter. I am a demon. I am Hunter Kiss.

By day, her tattoos are her armor. By night, they unwind from her body to take on forms of their own - demons of the flesh. This is the only family demon hunter Maxine Kiss has ever known. It's the only way to live, and the very way she'll die. For one day her demons will abandon her for her daughter to asure their own survival - leaving Maxine helpless against her enemies.

But such is the way of Earth's last protector - the only one standing between humanity and the demons breaking out from behind the prison veil. It is a life lacking in love, reveling in death, until one moment - and one man - changes everything...
Source: Info in the About The Iron Hunt was taken from the back cover of the book.

Short Novella PreQuel To Iron Hunt: Companion Story - Iron Hunt

Verdict: Promising start.

I was reading this book at about the same time as Dead Witch Walking (DWW) by Kim Harrison. I was reading The Iron Hunt at home and Dead Witch Walking in work. By the end of the week I had to think for a moment to figure out which character belonged to which world! The two books are quite similar :) This book is pacier than DWW though. DWW was a very slow starter. This one draws you right into Maxine's world. One thing I regretted doing at the start, was reading the prologue. That took a bit out of the reading enjoyment because the prologue throws the reader right into the middle of the fracas before the world building so it was slightly confusing. So if you haven't read this book yet, don't read the prologue before reading the story. Read it at the end. The story telling quality while good is not quite a masterpiece, a 3.5 out of 5. There were parts where the author dragged the drama out in a drawn out overkill which was annoying. It was so overdrawn that it almost presented the main protagonist as "stupid" that she just couldn't "get it", bordering on irritating, instead of the intellegent and kick-ass chick that she is portrayed to be in the book!

The story itself while not original, I still find it quite good and enjoyable. Ms. Liu puts a nice spin to a well-used tale. I'd give it a 4 out of 5. However... the thing about the story is... if Maxine Kiss (heroine) is a one-woman defender of the human race team, why is she travelling only around the US? this begs the question of:
a.) Does that mean that the US has the highest concentration of demons, enough to warrant ignoring the rest of the world?
b.) The rest of the world is not considered human enough to be saved?
c.) It wasn't really a well thought-out plot, and here the snags are showing...

There are also two main "central issues" or, "central dilemma" if you will, to the story. One, is Maxine's journey to self-discovery and burgeoning powers and, second, is the first "demon from the veil" encounter in Maxine's lifetime. The second "central dilemma" was satisfactorily closed with the ending with a bang. While the first "central issue" seems to be an ongoing process. The ending therefore closed the book but also left it hanging. This took the steam off the climax of the story. I would give the ending a 3.5 out of 5.

Overall, I think this is a promising start to what is looking like a worderful series! I enjoyed this book and would read another Marjorie Liu work again. I'd give this book a 3.5 out of 5.

Overall Rating: 3.5 out of 5 cherries

I would like to thank Orbit for the review copy of The Iron Hunt received!

Saturday 3 July 2010


I got a vampire and an angel in the mail this week :)

I would like to thank Usborne Publishing Ltd. for the review copy of Angel by L.A. Weatherly received.

Angel by L.A. Weatherly
Book 1 of the Angel fever

About Angel:
Willow knows she’s different from other girls. And not just because she loves tinkering around with cars. Willow has a gift. She can look into people’s futures, know their dreams, their hopes and their regrets, just by touching them. She has no idea where she gets this power from…

But Alex does. Gorgeous, mysterious Alex knows Willow’s secret and is on a mission to stop her. The dark forces within Willow make her dangerous – and irresistible. In spite of himself, Alex finds he is falling in love with his sworn enemy.
Source: Synopsis in the About Angel was taken from the book's website at on 03/07/2010.

I would like to thank Alise On Life for hosting a contest which made it possible for me to win Club Dead by Charlaine Harris!

About Club Dead:
Club Dead by Charlaine Harris
Book 3 of the Sookie Stackhouse series

Things between cocktail waitress Sookie and her vampire boyfriend Bill seem to be going excellently (apart from the small matter of him being undead) until he leaves town for a while. A long while. Bill's sinister boss Eric has an idea of where to find him, whisking her off to Jackson, Mississippi to mingle with the under-underworld at Club Dead. When she finally catches up with the errant vampire, he is in big trouble and caught in an act of serious betrayal. This raises serious doubts as to whether she should save him or start sharpening a few stakes of her own ...
Source: Info in the About Club Dead was taken from amazon at on 03/07/10.